[NEW] Dolphin Trainer Addon + [The Horrors of PixelFin]
Hi I'm DolphinMasterMB,
I'm really fascinated by dolphins and the interaction with them.
I made this addon. That massively enhances the dolphin behaviors!
The dolphins can now make awesome custom jumps themselves and even on demand!
The player can interact with the dolphins in many different ways!
You can also just watch these fantastic creatures, their ecosystem and behaviors are beautiful!
Dolphin Trainer addon Info:
Important recommendation:
Please use English language ingame for the best experience! Using another language could cause ingame issues like not being able to do certain interactions!
The actual behavior system I use, detects dropped item's and register them by their exact name! That's why different named items don't work! The system actually depends on the Minecraft language you use!Â
Thanks to TheMinecraftCockatiel for making the models and textures I used in this addon!
Thanks to Asian Roofs team for letting me borrow some models and textures I could use for practice and to test my behavior system on other entities! I respect this creator and will not publish their work, without their permission! Although some of their models are present in some of my example videos used to demonstrate my behavior system! The version in the video is a development test build and will not be available to the public!
Thanks to Ulises Marvels on Youtube for making a nice video series including my addon and for giving me nice suggestions that helped me shaping my addon!
Here's a nice tutorial on Youtube, that helps you get along with the addon and give you an idea what to expect:
UPDATE: The addon no longer uses commandblocks. Everything works right away!
The horrors of PixelFin the insomnia glitch dolphin! Can you break the curse?!


In short:
PixelFin is a glitchy hallucination horror dolphin character, I came up with while experiencing insomnia when programming at 3 AM! There will be a detailed creepy pasta story describing Pixelfin in the future! Do you like to experience it in Minecraft? Warning: don't use PixelFin in your favorite Minecraft worlds, It will cause chaos in your world, by using its command block skill! Pixelfin will be the new admin in your Minecraft world until being defeated! You will need to solve a little puzzle to defeat Pixelfin legitly! Pixelfin will lock you into survival mode until defeated! Pixelfin uses around 100 different Minecraft commands to scare you and hunt you down! Do you like to try? ; )
You can summon Pixelfin by 2 ways:
1: Name a custom dolphin "pixelfin"!
2: Throw a command block item in the water!
You could get one using this command in chat: /give @s command_block
Tip: Don't leave to many command blocks in the water! Every command block in water equals a PixelFin! Lol! Use 1 command block only for the best result! Or perhaps spawn multiple PixelFin's, if you do enjoy extreme chaos!
PixelFin's abilities:
Pixelfin uses the already pretty advanced dolphin AI, but Pixelfin is extremely evil and has really bad intensions, considering the normal dolphins are very cute and friendly, Pixelfin is definitely not a normal dolphin! Pixelfin is actually pure evil!
Pixelfin is the new admin of your Minecraft world, Pixelfin wil use a multitude of different commands to cause chaos in your world and locks the player in survival mode!
Pixelfin also decide the fighting rules by changing some conditions at the beginning of the fight, including wiping your whole inventory, so be warned!
Pixelfin is extremely unpredictable sometimes! Pixelfin can actually scare you and is really smart! Pixelfin even managed to scare me it's creator in a impressive way! Sounds cool right!
Pixelfin can do impressive things, for instance building and mining by using quite a complex algorithm system! Pixelfin can learn blocks by looking at them! Then Pixelfin can utilize them!
If you happen to hear Pixelfin pressing buttons, you are in grave danger!
Watch out for Pixelfin's Shockwave ability, if you get to close, you will be yeeted away!
Whatsup with those mysterious black cats? Are they good or bad?
Warning: Pixelfin will grief your Minecraft world! Pixelfin can Mine and Build and use different destructive tools!
Pixelfin is a primitive Builder! Pixelfin places blocks randomly!
Another warning: Don't use your precious gear(weapons, armor and items), Pixelfin can remove those with a press of a button instantly!
Pixelfin will almost always know where you are and hunt you down!
Pixelfin plays with its prey! Pixelfin is actually pretty sadistic!
Pixelfin has humor! Pixelfin could be really funny sometimes using its extreme randomness and unpredictability!
Pixelfin sometimes disrespectfully farts onto its victims! Fun fact: Dolphin farts are the worst! Another fun fact: Dolphins are immune to those farts, because dolphin have no sense of smell! You can trigger some farts yourself with this command: /playsound farting.fart @a ~ ~ ~
Pixelfin has some things to say sometimes!
You can hit Pixelfin, but Pixelfin is immune to normal damage!
You need to disable Pixelfin's immortality somehow, before Pixelfin takes any damage!
Keep in mind Pixelfin can actually choose to retreat anytime, making it possible for Pixelfin to reactivate it's immortality and regenerate some of it's health!
You will need to solve a little puzzle to defeat Pixelfin the legit way!
If you Solved the Pixelfin puzzle and defeated the curse, please don't spoil it to others! Thank you!
If it seems to easy to beat Pixelfin, I will increase the difficulty in an upcoming update!
Note for actual dolphin lovers like me:
Pixelfin is completely optional!
Pixelfin will not spawn naturaly in your Minecraft worlds!
It's up to the player itself, if you will take Pixelfin's challenge!
This is a relief for players who just want to enjoy the Dolphin Trainer Addon peacefully!
Here is a nice gameplay video of Pixelfin in action:

New Smart Dolphin NPC Menu:
How to get it:
Tame a dolphin! (You can find out how on this addon page!), Then tempt it with a Amethyst Shard item, when you have it's attention, interact with it with the item, to enable it's Smart NPC properties!
The NPC will have it's name set to "NPC" by default, but you can manually name it however you like!
NPC's have many interactive features! When being tempt(Also tempted by Sticks and Book and Quill for some odd development reasons lol!) You can access a variety of super cool, handy and even some odd dolphin behaviors from a very nice dialogue menu! There is a very nice example video showing it in detail below this text! Please make sure to check it out! It shows most of the menu features in great detail! I hope you will be able to watch it to the end, it's quite long though lol!
Some important tips:
Sometimes a random blank dialogue NPC dolphin will spawn(There is a small chance for development reasons)! Those aren't really bad, because you can claim them, by separating them from the other dolphins(Because the following mechanic needs to be able to target a single dolphin entity!), when close to the separated dolphin, look straight up, to give it the Smart NPC properties!
If a dolphin somehow glitches or got stuck, you can press the "[Reset]" button in their Smart NPC menu to refresh their behaviors!
Dolphins with Smart NPC properties can't be ridden, but don't fred, you can use the "Revert Tame" button to disable the Smart NPC properties and revert them back to a normal tamed dolphin! Now you can ride it again! You can even use the familiar dolphin interactions you would use before!
Nice mention: When naming a dolphin manually, it's name persists, even when changing properties!
You can name dolphins like you are used to!
Another few quick tips:
When making dolphins jump, make sure to stop tempting them (Deselect the item) and take some distance! For the best results!
Use the "Start Stay" button to make a dolphin stay! This will be very handy, when you want to give a specific dolphin some personal attention! For instance having a nice snuggle session!
Watch this very nice Youtube video for visual examples and please make sure to like and subscribe to my YT channel to support me into making more awsome dolphin content and improving my skills as programmer!
Freshly new behavior system:
I added new methods for Petting and Jumping on demand as well as a very nice new behavior called Innovate!
I also added a Dolphin tempt separation system to help you manage your Dolphinarium!
And also a freaky experimental morphing system!
If you prefer the older method, you can enable it, by dropping a Book and Quill item.
And disable it by dropping a Sponge item. The old modes is disabled by default!


New Orca's and Belugas:
This new update includes 3 new entities:
The Bottlenose(Actually just the vanilla dolphin, but with custom AI),
The Orca,
The Beluga,
All "custom" entities will use the advanced dolphin AI included in the addon system!
Although Minecrafts default dolphin will be a exception, those will be like they used to!
Btw if I say dolphin, I refere to all creatures included in the addon, because this saves me some extra writing!
I go for a derpy vanilla Minecraft style with this addon!

This addon features a lot of enhancements to the Minecraft Dolphin behavior:
You now get text info of every dolphin interaction,
You can pet the dolphins and give them a hug,
Dolphins swim together with you(It's super satisfying),
Dolphins have advanced swimming behaviors(It's also super fun to just watch them now),
Dolphins could play red light green light(A Squid Game reference),
Dolphins have enhanced hunting techniques(Dolphins got jealous, because squids became more popular(Also a Squid Game reference)),
Dolphins sometimes smash there pray,
Dolphins enjoy Halloween,
Dolphins can wiggle dance,
Dolphins enjoy checkups,
Dolphins are tameable,
Dolphins can play with a special Particle Toy,
Dolphins visibly hold items in their mouth,
Dolphins can be tempt up and down(As requested by many fans),
Dolphins are Rideable,
Dolphins can be controlled when being ridden,
You can go up and down while riding the dolphins,
You can even jump while riding a dolphin,
Dolphins are sittable like wolves(To make petting interactions much easier. This also enables the potential for a Slideout behavior)
Dolphins are breedable,
Dolphins jump higher,
Dolphins jump more often,
Dolphins can jump on demand,
You can inspire the dolphins to make your favorite jump,
Dolphins can dance with the player,
Dolphins form groups and work together,
Dolphins sometimes mimic each other,
Dolphins can get excited,
Dolphins are playfull,
Dolphins have some more health,
Dolphins can stay on a platform much longer,
Dolphins can stay underwater much longer,
Dolphins are resistant against fall damage(I simply didn't like them injuring themselfs)
Dolphins are healable,
Dolphins are tempted by multiple types of fish,
Dolphins interact with different sea plants,
Dolphins pickup all sorts of items,
Dolphins can equip and use different items(If an item is missing in their inventory, don't panic, they are using it in their mainhand. Drop a fish in the water, and they will eventually swap the item back into their inventory),
Dolphins have an interactive inventory,
Dolphins protect their owner,
Dolphins can do some tricks,
Tamed dolphins can find underwater chests and destroy them and pickup the items for you,
Dolphins are much more active,
The player can interact with the dolphins in multiple ways,
Dolphins could make different kind of animated jumps,
Dolphins will hunt for fish at some times,
Dolphins can collect items for their owner,
Dolphins are curious,
Dolphins love affection and sometimes stay near you without being tempted by fish,,
Tamed dolphins are persisted in the Minecraft worlds.
Taming Dolphins:
Tame Dolphins, by tempting them with any type of fish(Wild dolphins don't always prioritize being tempt, so be patient), Then feed them some fish(Taming them successfully is based on chance). When tamed successfully, dolphins are way more easily tempted by fish. You can even tempt Tamed dolphins specifically, by using a Heart of the Sea item. Tamed dolphins can interact in many more ways. Feeding them when already tamed encourage them to breed. You can also feed them to heal them, if they are injured.
Read more about dolphin interactions down on the page.

Some basic tricks:
You can make the dolphin show it's Belly by being close to the dolphin, then quickly look around 70 degrees down.
The dolphin can make a Flukewalk like animation by quickly looking around 70 degrees up.
You get text info, when using basic tricks.
The Dolphin tempt separation system:
I made a system that helps you separate big groups of dolphins to manage your Dolphinarium!
You can now bind dolphins of choice to specific items to separate individuals for potential snuggle moments or a specific training. You can also use this to separate prefered groups of dolphins!
You can use the items: Emerald, Diamond, Lapis Lazuli, Redstone Dust, Iron Ingot and Gold Ingot to bind dolphins to be able to tempt them with that specific item! This could become really handy for for instance shows or roleplaying! You can unbind a dolphin with a Book item anytime! To reassign them!
You can play Aquaman and have a legendary dolphin swim:
Just start swimming, and the dolphin will follow!
Here's a nice video example:
You can drop different items to get inspiration. By looking at a dolphin from an average distance, you will share your inspiration value. The dolphin being inspired will make that specific custom jump:
[1] Kelp=Backflip
[2] Raw Salmon=Frontflip
[3] Tropical Fish=Corkscrew
[4] Raw Cod=Multibackflip
[5] Pufferfish=Backflop
[6] Sea Pickle=Dashflip
[7] Inc Sac=Mixflip
[8] Nautilus Shell=Doublefrontflip
[9] Glow Inc Sac=Frontsideflip
[10] Prismarine Crystal=Backsideflip
[11] Stick=Alien (As suggested by a very friendly dolphin behaviorist on Youtube)
You can show the jump info, by looking straight up for Minecraft 60 ticks.
You can also make a dolphin jump on demand:
New Jump on demand system:
Tempt the dolphins you desire, when you have their attention, select a Salmon item, Interact with them by pressing the interaction button, Then stop tempting them. Let them swim for a bit and they will eventually make a nice jump, most times including a cool animation! Enjoy the show!
Old method:
Drop an Target item to enter the target mode, then look at a dolphin beneath the surface from an average distance of 12 blocks, and he will eventually breach and make a jump on demand. You can also make a dolphin perform your favorite jump by using the inspiration system, where you drop specific items.
To exit target mode and reset the inspiration value: Look straight down.
You now get informed about when you activate and deactivate the target mode.
You can also see the type of custom jump you selected.
You can also find your selected custom jump when not in target mode, by dropping Paper.
Here's a nice example video:
Dolphins can dance with you:
Tempt some dolphins with fish, keep there attention, then turn around 360 degrees close to them. And they will dance together with you!Â
You get text info, when you perform a successful dance.
Dolphins can do a wiggle dance:
Look fully up or down to give yourself a value 1 or 2. There are 2 different wiggle dances. You can perform one of those dances, to nod multiple times. You will get text info, if used successfully.
The new Innovate system:
Tempt the dolphins of choice, when you have their attention, select a Tropical fish item, then interact with them, by pressing the interaction button. Now Innovate while start!
What is innovate actually: It's a reference to the IMATA Dolphin Trainer Academy, where Innovate stands for an advanced scientific learned dolphin behavior, where the dolphin performs a random behavior of choice tied to a specific hand signal! It's one of many eastereggs hidden inside my addon! The dolphins can randomize between a average of 24 behaviors and trick in my addon! Maybe give it a try!
Tips for riding dolphins:
When a dolphin is tamed, you can ride it. You can even control it fully. When looking straight down, the dolphin dives underwater. When looking straight up the dolphin breaches. You can even jump while riding it! Crouch to dismount. You can even tempt dolphins fully up and down now! You also get text info when breaching and diving.
Here's a nice video example:

Tip: If a dolphin somehow gets stuck at the water surface, just ride it and dive down to fix it!


There are some really cool petting animations:
New petting system:
Drop one of the items mentioned in the Petting interaction list to give yourself a value of choice! Those values are assigned to the specific petting animations! When you have such value, tempt the dolphin you want. When you have their attention, select a Pufferfish item, then interact with them, by pressing the button assigned to interaction! Then the animations of both the player and the dolphin while start! You are now snuggling with the dolphin! You can drop the listed items anytime to change the interaction! But you can easily start the selected animation multiple times with the Pufferfish, without dropping items each time!
Tempt a dolphin with fish, stay close to it, then drop one of this items for the animation(Old method):
Interaction list:
Kelp=Default petting
Raw Cod=Belly petting
Raw Salmon=Belly massage
Tropical Fish=Hug
Sea Pickle=Back massage
Cooked Cod=Checkup1
Cooked Salmon=Checkup2
Secret: Show the dolphin some extra love with a specific item
Make sure the dolphin stays close and try to time the animation right.
The petting animations are pretty versatile, those could be used in many different ways.
You get informed with text info when you successfully use a petting interaction.
Tip: You can make a dolphin stay.
Tempt a dolphin, then crouch to be able to make it sit. When the dolphin stays, it's much easier to pet it.
This also helps, when trying the Slideout behavior!
Make sure to only do this in shallow water or on a platform. Considering you need to be crouched to unable this function!
Did you know Some petting animations even work in first person view?
Here is how:
Tempt a single dolphin with fish(Or an Heart of the Sea item, when tamed), make it follow you into shallow water or on a slide out platform, make it stay there by making it sit, then approach the dolphin how you like to pet it, now select a empty hotbar slot, making sure your mainhand is empty, now drop the needed item for your desired petting interaction, when still holding the empty slot. That's it! Now your character moves it's hand like it's petting the dolphin in first person view! Awsome!Â
I accidentally found out this feature was possible lol!
Tip: You can open the dolphins inventory when you ride it, by simply opening your own inventory.
There are quite a lot of surprises hidden in this fantastic addon! Stay tuned for even more awesomeness! For instance a Halloween secret, a secret dolphin hug and some Squid Game references!

There's an awsome Beach Ball available to try:
To activate it, look straight up for around 40 seconds. You get some info along the process. If you stop looking up you will cancel the process(This is to prevent over using it and prevent it from occurring at unexpected moments). When it spawns, it levitates near the player and you can push it, by hitting it in the center. Dolphins will enjoy playing with it and eventually do super cool tricks and potentially smash it around. You can recall the Toy, by looking around 70 degrees up. And delete it, by being close and looking straight down. I recommend only using one at a time.

The Experimental Morphing system:
I added a optional morphing system to the addon! Made with role playing in mind! I got inspired by a friend to do so! It's made to be used in survival! Tempt the dolphin you wanna be, when you are close to the dolphin, drop a Ender Pearl item to start morphing! You can now pretend to be that specific dolphin! You can swim and jump and be trained by your friends! Warning: Don't Morph, when close to multiple dolphins and definitely not ride the dolphin, when Morphing! It can harm the experience! To stop the Morph, drop a Book item! Keep in mind this is a crazy experiment! Don't try this at home lmao!
Here are some example videos demonstrating the new interactions:
Disclaimer: The models and textures used in this recordings while not be published, because I borrowed them for practice and to try my behavior system working on other entities! I respect the creator, I will not use their work without their permission! This development version will remain private!
I added PixelFin the insomnia glitch dolphin to the addon!
I some information to the page about PixelFin!
I fixed some bugs!
Tip: Make sure to delete the older versions of the addon, then freshly install the new version. For the best results!
Download the mcaddon version for an automatic install option. If that doesn't work for you, try installing it with another file manager.
Add it to your Minecraft world, Then everything works right away! You only have to get along with the enhanced dolphins!
Thank you very much for using my Addon!
Ps: Check out my Youtube and Tiktok channel for some super nice Minecraft dolphin interactions and some video examples: