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MCPE/Bedrock Dream Luck

Illustrious Member Admin

Dream Luck

Dream Luck is an addon that gives you the same luck as dream allowing you to get good loot inside ruined portals ender pearls from piglins very easy as well as the ender dragon being very low on health as soon as you get into the end.


Please check out this video for more information on this addon and the ad free download.


The loot from ruined portals is greatly increased to help you truly feel like dream whenever speed running minecraft.


The drop from enderman has been greatly increased to match that of dream.


Piglins have also been changed to match dreams and will almost always drop enderpearls.


Blaze rods also drop much more from blazes to better match dream.


The enderdragon only has 1 health and will be easily defeated with anything.


To download the mod ad free visit my video link in the description. PLEASE DO NOT CLAIM THIS ADDON AS YOUR OWN. If you would like to use this in a video that is fine just link back to THIS PAGE and not your own link.

If you'd like to use any of my mods/addons in a mod pack please ask me before adding them. You are free to use them in any videos but do not claim them as your own.

Topic starter Posted : 05/07/2021 5:48 pm