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MCPE/Bedrock Drill Buddy Add-on (1.12+)

Illustrious Member Admin

Drill Buddy Add-on (1.12+)

Mining can be time consuming task. With this add-on, you can craft this new tech that helps you to do so. Introducing the Drill buddy! it can help you mine at a certain depth and collects the blocks it mines for you.

Here’s the crafting recipes!

To spawn these new entities, follow these steps:

  • hold the item in your hand
  • sneak
  • interact with the item, long-press the middle of the screen if you’re on mobile/right-click on Win10
  • drag the preview entity where you want to spawn it
  • interact with the preview entity to spawn the entity in your hand

Nothing happening? Watch this tutorial to help you!


  • To activate these entities, use their appropriate ‘keys’

Limits & Abilities

The limits and abilities of these drill buddies are based on the quality of material you used to craft them

  • they all have the same inventory 

They can’t mine in water, contact upon water despawns them!

They may despawn  mid-mining randomly because each drill buddy has their own durability, they’re based on the quality of material you used to craft them .

hole size of each drill:

  • wood = 1×1
  • stone = 3×3
  • iron = 5×5
  • gold = 7×7
  • diamond = 9×9

Fun Fact

The holes they drill are shaped like the real ones make, a happy little accident ?

You can also place them!

To place them, use the “Item ground ( Drill buddy )” and interact with any item from the add-on to display them.


  • This add-on is updated to the latest beta.
  • If you want to review/make a video about this content, at least credit me in the video/description
  • If you wish to use this for your content, at least credit me.



Supported Minecraft versions

1.12 - 1.13

Topic starter Posted : 26/08/2019 7:19 pm