Duplication Ores
Minecraft addon – New duplication Ores
Trailer – https://youtu.be/iDOyfDGmh0E
Are you tired of mining? Tired of always getting few resources
With this addon you can now duplicate the ores, using only the stone cutter, Ores can now be destroyed and transformed into powders
ores that can be duplicated
Use a pickaxe to get the ore block, sometimes you will need enchantments
Use the stone cutter to turn your blocks into dust
Each type of ore generates an amount of powders
Heat your powder to achieve duplication of ores
See it’s easy
After getting the dust and it will only burn in the furnace and the duplication will work, remember it only works with the ore block. Only employee for Blocks Ore, in some circumstances requires a soft touch pick, to collect the Blocks,
Redstone cannot be duplicated.
Netherite, copper and amethyst cannot be duplicated, for now
This is an official Addon for Version 1.16.210, not working in 210.58 beta.
Added nether and gilded gold ore dust, netherite Cannot be duplicated
Access the link via drive, download the Mcaddon file, and click when it is downloaded, install it immediately.
Any questions, tips or criticism, twitter: @ hirodesigner2k
creator: https://twitter.com/hirodesigner2k?s=09