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MCPE/Bedrock Raiyon's Dynamic Lightning

Illustrious Member Admin

Raiyon's Dynamic Lightning

Add-on Overview

-Non Experimental Addon. 



Dynamic Lightning consist of having an item, be it a torch or an item that give light like a lava bucket, by having these item in hand, lights up around you.

Torch Offhand 

This addon makes Minecraft Vanilla Torch Works In The Offhand Fully Vanilla "Natively".

You Can Directly Hold The Torch In The Offhand After Craft It.

Lightning Items Examples:

(The level of light will depend on the type of item).

In this addon, dynamic light is not limited to air, but can also be used underwater thanks to the new Sea Torch and other types of light-emitting items such as light-emitting blocks, lanterns etc.


It is the only one that can be placed underwater and like the torch of this addon it can be equipped in the Off Hand.


Mobs can also emit light when they are about to explode, are on fire or even underwater. 


Items in the ground emit light


2.7 Version

-Added 16 new torch variants, one for each dye color.



Torches but now in your favorite color!


Recipe Example





-Added 16 new torch variants, one for each dye color. -Fixed inventory bugs related to torch items. -Removed light effects on exploding entities due to bugs.

creator: Lord Raiyon
Topic starter Posted : 07/08/2020 12:28 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 20/01/2025 10:35 pm