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MCPE/Bedrock Dynamite Addon

Illustrious Member Admin

Dynamite Addon


Have you ever wanted to throw TNT at your friends on a mountain, but couldn't because you didn't have the high ground? Or have you ever been chased by a sizable horde of hostile mobs and had no way to defend yourself and therefore: lost all your precious 30 XP levels?

"IT'S TIME TO SHINE"  Because with this wonderful explosive "tool": you will be able to Troll your friends as much as you want, and finish with the biggest Mobs Horde. Because this addon introduces: The Dynamite Stick

(Also, new Dynamite variations will be added over time)


This new projectile is capable of being thrown at an average of 4 blocks away, however you can increase this amount up to 6 blocks if you jump while throwing it.

This yeetable TNT explodes as soon as it touches any surface/Mob, the damage caused by the explosion is moderate (Not as much as a block of TNT, but not as small as a firework). It should be noted that this does not destroy any blocks when exploding.


 (Classic Dynamite VS Respawning Pillager)



The damage dealt to an entity depends on its type and the distance it is from the source of the explosion. I will use the player as an example:

  • Impact Zone (0 blocks away): 6 hearts and a Half
  • 1 Block Away: 4 hearts
  • 2 Blocks Away: 2 hearts and a Half
  • 3 Blocks Away: 1 heart
  • 4 Blocks Away: Safe Distance (No damage dealt)


Here I'll show some more examples of the uses that can be given to Dynamite:


 (Classic Dynamite VS a Pack of Cows)



Also, Classic Dynamites can be launched by Dispensers too:



There are 3 ways of getting a Dynamite Stick:

1. With the help of String, Gunpowder and Paper, you can craft a Dynamite using a crafting table:

2. If you're not in survival mode, you can easily find this item in the Equipment section in the Creative Inventory:

3. Lastly, if you are a hacker, you can write in the game chat "/give @s msw:classic_dynamite" and a dynamite will automatically appear in your inventory


Bonus: It is possible to craft 2 blocks of TNT from 9 Dynamite Sticks:




"The ultimate Phantom mauler"

This new Dynamite (In addition to being a possible good protagonist of a fairy tale), Once thrown: it will not stop following the Closest entity until exploding on its face. Unlike the Classic Dynamite, the Winged Dynamite does slightly more damage when exploding (2, while the Original 1.5).



By the way, this Dynamite tracks any entity, except:

  • Arrows
  • Players (for now)
  • Items
  • Boats
  • Armor Stands
  • Snowballs
  • Wolves
  • Cats
  • Parrots
  • Villagers
  • Pandas
  • Horses
  • Thrown Tridents




(Winged Dynamite Vs Phantoms)

Also, when there are absolutely No entities within a 30 block radius, the Winged Dynamite will just act like a Regular Dynamite:

(Winged Dynamite Vs No Entities)


When Flying Winged Dynamite its able to pass through blocks. So if you get to throw it and see that it is heading towards the floor, it has most likely detected a Zombie, creeper or skeleton inside a nearby cave.



Just like Classic Dynamite, there are also 3 ways to get this item:

1. With the help of 2 feathers, and a previously crafted Classic Dynamite you can get a Winged Dynamite using a Crafting Table:


2. You can also find this item in the Equipment section in the Creative Inventory too.

3. Lastly, for hackermen, you can type  "/give @s msw:winged_dynamite" and a Winged Dynamite will magically appear inside your inventory.


And That´s all Folks! 

I hope you have fun using this curious Addon, see you in a next update!



  • The Winged Dynamite tracking function has been updated so that it runs as "itself independently". What do I mean with this? Before if you threw more than 2 Winged Dynamites consecutively they all used to follow the same target (as well as merging with each other). Now no matter how many Winged Dynamites you launch: Each one will follow its own target (and will not longer merge).
  • Winged Dynamite will no longer follow Tridents



When setting up this Addon into your desired World, don't forget to Turn On the following Experiments located in your World's options:



Topic starter Posted : 03/03/2021 11:27 am
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 18/12/2022 7:18 pm