Elingo's World Edit Add-on (1.20.41)
This is a simple and very useful World Edit add-on for people who want it to be easier to build terrain in their Minecraft world. The tools in this add-on give you the option to add and remove terrain with just a few clicks. You can even adjust the distance, size and shape. As of now, you can use 8 different blocks to build your custom terrain.
These blocks can be used to build terrain.
- Grass
- Dirt
- Sandstone
- Cobblestone
- Stone
- Netherrack
- End Stone
- Air (only works in the eraser mode)
Here are the buttons and their uses.
The Shape button

This button changes the shape from sphere to cube, and vice versa.
The Size button

This button lets you decide what the size of the cube or sphere should be.
The Distance button

This distance changes and displays the distance between you and the object.
The Mode button

This button switches back and forth between these modes:
- Builder Mode
- Eraser Mode
The Exit button

This is the button you press when you want to disable the world editor.
1. When you enable the editor by entering this command "/function start_editor" all the items in your hotbar will be replaced with the items of this add-on, so it's recommended to have an empty hotbar before enabling the editor.

2. There will be a ball or block that shows you the center of whatever you are placing there when you hold the Builder tools or Eraser tools.
3. For the Builder tool to work, you have to make sure you've done all of the things listed below:
- Hold the hammer.
- right-click the hammer so that it displays "Hammer [On]"
- Have the block you want to build with in the hotbar slot between the brown and red buttons.