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MCPE/Bedrock Emerald Tools & Armor Add-on

Illustrious Member Admin

Emerald Tools & Armor Add-on

Minecraft has been lacking something for game for a while. They have tried to replace it with netherite, but it's not the same. Of course, I am talking about emerald stuff. Emeralds have been very lacking for a while. and I'm here to fix it.


Emerald Sword- 9 attack damage

Emerald Pickaxe - Mines way faster

Emerald Shovel - Digs way faster

Emerald Axe - Chops way faster

Emerald Hoe - Just a hoe


Emerald Armor - Stronger, and Better


All the crafting recipes are the same as the normal version just with emeralds.

Durability is more than diamond or netherite.

Any problems leave a comment.

Any suggestions leave a comment.

Hope you have a nice day:)

creator: CokeGold


Topic starter Posted : 16/05/2021 6:01 pm