Express yourself in a better way with your friends using emojis in MC chat! with more that 120+ different emojis for your MC Bedrock chat | compatible with singleplayer / multiplayer / realms / servers


Express yourself in a better way with your friends using emojis in MC chat!
Have you ever wanted to use some kind of emoji in your MC chat but because of how limited the text is in Minecraft you can’t do it? no problem because I present to you “Emojis-In-Chat” an add-on with which you can use a wide variety of emojis with which you can express yourself in a better way with your friends and probably decorate your signs
- You can use many keyboard emojis in your MC chat
- Nice textures and design!
- Can be used on signs!
- Can be used on items with anvils!
- Multiplayer Support!
- and more!
Experimental Options
The experimental functions help the addon to work correctly so I come to show you any you have to activate before using the addon


This is a new release, there is no changelog.... okay?