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Enchanted Books+
Enchanted Books+ add 4 new enchantment books to Minecraft!
These are:
- Auto Smelt – Smelts dropped Ores into Ingots
- Garden Cleaner – Breaks flowers, tall grass and small vegetation in general nearby.
- Miner’s Dream – Breaks stone, gravel and anything that is not a ore in general nearby.
- Timber – Breaks oak logs, leaves, vines and heavy vegetation in general nearby.
Auto Smelt –
When a iron pickaxe is enchanted with it can smelt dropped ores into ingots
Can be found in buried treasures.
Garden Cleaner –
When a iron hoe is enchanted with it can break flowers, small grass and small vegetation in general nearby.
Can be found in Shipwrecks.
Miner’s Dream –
When a iron pickaxe is enchanted with it can break stone, gravel and anything that is not a ore in general nearby.
Can be found in Dungeons.
Timber –
When a iron pickaxe is enchanted with it can break leaves, vines and heavy vegetation in general nearby.
Can be found in Mineshaft.
- *Fixed Timber Enchantment
- *Fixed Garden Cleaner Enchantment
- *Fixed recipe for Garden Cleaner Enchantment
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creator: UnderwaterDoge
Topic starter Posted : 10/07/2020 6:00 pm