End Expansion [BETA 2.2]
Have you ever felt that the End is just too boring? Well this add-on will solve just that! 2 Brand new biomes, new mobs, weapons and much more, it has it all!
The End Expansion was based on the idea of an End update. I just want to give a huge thanks to Crovono who helped me with the noise to set up these basic biomes.
This add-on is however still in beta, so some things may change, and there may be a bug or two. I am developing this add-on on my YouTube channel, so feel free to visit it to learn more.
- 2 brand new biomes (with blocks)
- a new structure
- 2 unique mobs
- custom crafting
- a cool new weapon
Chorillium Forest
This is a strange purple place, covered in Chorillium. It is also where you will find the Giant Chorus Fungi and Ilmenya vines. This biome is a great place to find Schroomlights as well.
Chorillium Swampland
This is a mystical place, with dense mist and vegetation and magical water pools. It is home to the Warped Chorus Fungi, Warped Ilmenya vines and the Icirlush plant.
Forgotten Library
A very rare structure, only found in the furthest reaches of the end (aka beyond x or z 3000). It is the home to the Elders with all of the knowledge and loot.

The Wanderer
A lonely soul, this creature will aimlessly wander the empty planes and kill any Enderman or player, by draining their soul.

The Elder
Possibly a more intelligent ancestor of the Enderman. They can be found in their libraries and are always open to trade for some new items.

The Ancient's Workbench
This is a special workbench from a long forgotten time. The only way to craft it is by first getting the knowledge of the ancient's from the Elders. On this bench you will be able to craft new, more complex items.

The Ancient Staff
The Wanderer's scull that forms part of this staff, allows you to drain the souls of you enemies. Simply look in there general direction and use it. It is also craft on the Ancient's Workbench.

- A new Structure - Fossils will now spawn in the Chorillium Swamps (The green biome)
- Added a new bug effect to the Chorilliums Swamp
- Made the Biomes double their old sizes
- Added optional lower and full side variants to the Chorillium and Warped Chorillium blocks. For some reason changing the subpack on a world doesn't work at the moment, so apply the resource pack to your global resources if you want to use any of the subpacks
- Fixed a bug where the sky would be light blue
- Fixed a bug where Wanderers would spawn in the Overworld and Nether
- Made some performance improvements with regards to the Wanderer
For this to work you need to enable all of your experimental settings.
Remember to remove the old pack, before installing the new version, to avoid confusion. When you reapply this new version to an existing world where you played on, it should still work.
- Fog will once again render correctly
- Fixed all blocks to render correctly
- Changed block models to be smaller than 16x16x16 units, as per the new requirement
- Removed Wanderer's scull (I couldn't make it fit within a 16x16 area nicely)
- Added Wandering Eye to replace Wanderer's scull
- Updated loot tables and crafting recipes to use the new Wandering Eye, instead of Wanderer's scull
- Stopped Wanderers from being able to spawn in the Overworld
Delete the old pack before installing the new pack, otherwise you will get a duplicate pack error. Also enable all of the experimental toggles when creating the world.