Ender Lucky Block
The Ender Lucky Block is special because it doesn't give the usual Minecraft items when opened. Instead, it surprises you with more than 40 custom items that are all related to the End. It adds an extra layer of fun by mixing these special items with the regular stuff you'd find in the game.
All items have a random chance of dropping but vanilla items have more chance of dropping than custom items. There is a 35% chance to drop custom items and a 65% chance to drop a vanilla item.
"Requires Experimental: Holiday Creators"
| Video Showcase |
| Weapons and Loots |
- 45 custom items
- Ender Lucky Block
- A lot of vanilla loots
Chorus Sword:
Ability: Lets the user fly when equiped
Dragon Sword:
Ender Crystal Sword:
Ender Devil Sword:
Ability: Damage overtime to all nearby mobs
Ender Sword:
Endstone Sword:
Eye of Ender Sword:
Abilty: Shoots enderperal when right clicked.
Pure Ender Sword:
Royal Ender Sword:
Shulker Sword:
Thulaside Sword:
Void Sword:
Ability: Passive effects when equiped
Dragon Scythe:
Ability: Poisons all entity that are attacked
Ender Scythe:
Ability: Poisons all entity that are attacked
Endstone Scythe:
Ability: Poisons all entity that are attacked
Royal Ender Scythe:
Ability: Poisons all entity that are attacked
Dragon Hammer:
Royal Ender Hammer:
Thulaside Hammer:
Void Hammer:
Dragon Blade:
End Crystal Blade:
Endstone Blade:
Royal Ender Blade:
Dragon Sphere:
Ability: Effects the player with a set ammount of speed when right clicked
Endstone Sphere:
Ability: Effects the player with a set ammount of speed when right clicked
Royal Ender Sphere:
Ability: Effects the player with a set ammount of speed when right clicked
Void Sphere:
Ability: Effects the player with a set ammount of speed when right clicked
Dragon Wnad:
Ability: Shoots a magma when right clicked that damages the mob on impact
Royal Ender Wand:
Ability: Shoots a magma when right clicked that damages the mob on impact
Books of Fire:
Ability: When equiped in offhand this book effects the player with the effect of Fire resistance
Books of Invisibility:
Ability: When equiped in offhand this book effects the player with the effect of Invisibility
Books of Life:
Ability: When equiped in offhand this book effects the player with the effect of Regeneration
Books of Strength:
Ability: When equiped in offhand this book effects the player with the effect of Strength
Books of Speed:
Ability: When equiped in offhand this book effects the player with the effect of Speed
Books of Royalty:
Ability: When equiped in offhand this book effects the player with the effect of Hero Of The Village
| Ender Lucky block |
| In-game Image |
| Terms and Conditions |
1. In the case of link sharing. You should give this link.
2. You Should Not Upload this map on any other website without my permission.
3. In the case of content creation you should give this link in the description.
- Custom Weapons :
Chorus Sword, Dragon Blade, Dragon Hammer, Dragon Scythe, Dragon Sphere, Dragon Sword, Dragon Wand, End Crystal Blade, End Light Sword, Ender Crystal Sword, Ender Devil Sword, Ender Scythe, Ender Sword, Ender Wing Sword, Endstone Axe, Endstone Blade, Endstone Scythe, Endstone Sphere, Endstone Sword, Eye of Ender Sword, Pure Ender Sword, Royal Ender Blade, Royal Ender Hammer, Royal Ender Scythe, Royal Ender Sphere, Royal Ender Sword, Royal Ender Wand, Shulker Sword, Thulaside Hammer, Thulaside Sword, Void Axe, Void Hammer, Void Sphere, Void Sword.
- Custom Effect Books:
Book of Fire, Book of Life, Book of Strength, Book of Invisibility, Book of Speed, Book of Royalty
- Custom Blocks:
Ender Lucky block.
Installation Guide:
- Download The Addon
- Dubble Tap The Map On a PC or Open The Addon With Minecraft On a Mobile
- Activate The Addon Called Called "Ender Lucky Block"
- Activate The Experimental "Holiday Creators"
- Enjoy.
creator: https://www.youtube.com/Beyond64