Enderite Addon (Biomes)
End Update
"The end" dimension got an updated look. This addon updates the most boring part of the game before mojang.
Enjoy the beauty of having even more things to do with your survival map!!! After you reach a certain level in the game you don't have new materials to play with so i propose this mod that will bring new features and gameplay mechanics to your world.
Check out my youtube channel!π
Footage v2 (my channel)
Trailer Created By MADLAD
NOTE: Β You areΒ not allowedΒ to publish this on other websites or applications without my permission.
NOTE: If your doing aΒ reviewΒ you areΒ allowedΒ only to post this addon page linkΒ dont hurt me with direct links to mediafire! HAVE SOME RESPECT FOR WHAT I DO!!!
NOTE: Enable EXPERIMENTAL GAMEPLAY in your world options in order to use this addon!!!.

Code made with bridge.?nbsp;
Β 3D models made with Blockbench.
Update v2 final update!
Special thanks toΒ DeadVoxelxΒ for helping with the biomes, fog and sound!
This addon will require thisΒ Block-Geo FixerΒ pack in order to work properly!
v2 Footage - This addon will be compatible with End Update Addon by DeadVoxelx soon!

Old v1.7 generation is still available in the settings!

Compatible with RTX and the old version!

I'll be honest the way i name things is really bad i know that now.
I started with a completely different plan for the rework but as you all know 1.18.10 ruined all custom geometry blocks higher than 16x16x16 so because of that and because in this way this will be compatible with the older version I decided to stick to this addon instead
I want to let you all know that everything has an end and this project is no different. I can say that it was fun to learn and do things like this to collaborate with other people from the community to make this project reality and I managed to achieve everything I wanted for this to be a perfect end update.
Footage in game

Ray Tracing support
Ray tracing requires specific hardware to run like Nvidia RTX 2000 series cards or AMD rx 6000
This mod is intended to be played with a separate PBR(ray tracing) resource pack applied, as it only has the resources to enable ray tracing on the new end blocks. This pack doesn't cover vanilla blocks. When used with PBR pack you need to make sure the addon RP is first.
Credits PBR textures created by:
MADLAD#3718 (discord)
@MADLAD3718 (twitter)
Structures with ray tracing on!

Read this before entering a worldΒ
I don't recommend playing this on your main world better make a copy.
Addon causes the game to crash sometimes with high chunk render distance. This can be mitigated if you turn it to 16 or lower..
How to change the settings? Go to behaviour packs and select the settings icon on my addon.

Hope you enjoy the addon!!!
Note: enable experimental features!!!
Don't forget to check out the showcase map!!!
Biomes, Sound, Fog by: DeadVoxelx
Ray Tracing by : MADLAD3718
Update v2
special thanks toΒ DeadVoxelxΒ for helping me out with this project!
'biomes' were added
bluishe forest, end forest
all structures were updated
probably(most likely) this is the last update to this addon.
Download both the resource pack and behaviour pack and click on them to start the installation process then enable experimental gameplay in world options.