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MCPE/Bedrock Endless Biomes: Forests, Winter, Mycelium

Illustrious Member Admin

Endless Biomes: Forests, Winter, Mycelium

This addon pack gives three biome world generators: Endless Forests, Endless Winter, and Endless Mycelium.  Endless Forests creates a world mostly filled with dark oak forests and jungles.  Snowy plains and forests dominate Endless Winter.  Endless Mycelium generates mushroom plains and hills.


Custom biome generation is still experimental in Minecraft so you may see some things out of place, for example the mycelium world will only generate large mushrooms in pockets so you may have to travel to see them.  I have tested this addon with Windows 10 edition.  Please leave a comment if this addon does not work with your bedrock version. 

To use this addon: 

1.  Open the addon file which will launch Minecraft. 

2.  Create a new world and add the new behavior pack to the world. 

3.  Enable [Use Experimental Gameplay] in Game settings. 

4.  Recommended:  Enable [Bonus Chest] in case you spawn far from needed resources. 

5.  Finally start your world.

Created by: AGAPE


Supported Minecraft versions

1.12 +

Topic starter Posted : 26/08/2019 6:41 pm