Error 000 Minecraft Creepypasta Addon
Oh hey guys sorry I didn't Make an add on And publish it for almost a month Because I'm busy on this Map called Darkness Extinction 2 It's a big map guys and by the way I'm starting This Creepypasta Addon its called Error 000 he's a famous Minecraft Creepypasta He will kill you by Running fast but if he stops attacking you he will Kill you again if you hit him And he attacks everything
- Steve679Games
- YouTube: EnderliteSteve
- Discord: Steve679Games#4702
- Damage: 6
- Weakness: Too many withers attacking Him or monsters
- Uses a Iron Sword to attack you
- Drops his Iron Sword when dead
- Health: 1200
- Move Speed: 0.7
- Faster than Players
- Has own Coloured egg
- Kills Iron Golems
- Kills Players
- Kills Monsters when they hit him
- Kills his twin
- Steals your stuff when Defeated
- Looks at you when around him
- Kills you when you hit him but If you want him to Stop keep running and He will stop Chasing you but if you Hit again He will come For you
To kill Him use Netherite Armor and totem of Undying
If you like this Addon then subscribe to me on YouTube!:
Join my Discord Server so you can talk to me And tell me about Map or Addon ideas so I can Make Them!:

If you see The Download Link press it And Press the mediafire link And enjoy The Addon! 🙂