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MCPE/Bedrock Ex0tic's Masonry Addon v1.0.4 Adds 70 Blocks!

Illustrious Member Admin

Ex0tic's Masonry Addon v1.0.4 Adds 70 Blocks!


Minecraft's stone logic is quite... inconsistent. This addon aims to make stone more consistent by adding more variants like granite bricks, cobbled andesite, or chiseled diorite. This addon also tweaks the names and textures of certain vanilla blocks to maintain consistency. On top of that, it adds new stone types that probably should be vanilla (like soul sandstone).

*Note this video is of an outdated version

Ex0tic's Masonry adds...

  • 70 New Blocks!
  • Hundreds of new crafting recipes!
  • Various other fixes to vanilla stones


 Basic Stone Variants:

  • Granite, Diorite, and andesite will now drop their cobbled variants when mined by a non-silk touch pickaxe
  • These cobbled variants can be smelted back into their naturally generating variants
  • Granite, Diorite, and andesite bricks can now be crafted using their four polished variants in a 2x2 shape or using a stonecutter
  • Chiseled granite, diorite, and andesite can now be crafted by stacking two of their polished slabs on top of each other in a crafting menu or using a stonecutter


  • All naturally generating sandstone now has the "smooth sandstone" texture
  • Cobbled sandstone (the original sandstone texture) now drops when the naturally generating sandstone is mined by a non-silk touch pickaxe
  • Cobbled sandstone can be smelted back into its naturally generating variants
  • Cut sandstone is now called "Polished Sandstone" and is crafted with four naturally generating variants in a 2x2 shape or using a stonecutter
  • Sandstone Bricks can now be crafted with four "Polished Sandstone" in a 2x2 shape or using a stonecutter
  • Cobbled Soul Sandstone can now be crafted with four Soul Sand in a 2x2 shape or obtained by mining "Soul Sandstone" with a non-silk touch pickaxe
  • Soul Sandstone can be obtained by smelting Cobbled Soul Sandstone
  • Polished Soul Sandstone can now be crafted with four "Soul Sandstone" in a 2x2 shape or using a stonecutter
  • Soul Sandstone Bricks can now be crafted with four "Polished Soul Sandstone" in a 2x2 shape or using a stonecutter
  • Chiseled Soul Sandstone can now be crafted using a stonecutter


  • Nine Prismarine Shards now crafts four "Polished Prismarine" instead of one Prismarine Brick
  • Prismarine Bricks can now be crafted with four "Polished Prismarine" in a 2x2 shape or using a stonecutter
  • Chiseled Prismarine can now be crafted using a stonecutter

Cave Update Stones:

  • Polished Dripstone, Calcite, and Tuff blocks can be crafted by placing four of the naturally generating variants in a 2x2 shape or using a stonecutter
  • Dripstone, Calcite, and Tuff bricks can now be crafted using their four polished variants in a 2x2 shape or using a stonecutter
  • Chiseled Dripstone, Calcite, and Tuff can now be crafted by using a stonecutter



  • Polished Magma can now be crafted with four magma in a 2x2 shape or using a stonecutter
  • Magma Bricks can now be crafted with four "Polished Magma" in a 2x2 shape or using a stonecutter
  • Chiseled Magma can now be crafted using a stonecutter


  • Four endstone in a 2x2 shape crafts four "Polished Endstone" instead of four Endstone Bricks
  • Endstone Bricks can now be crafted with four Polished Endstone in a 2x2 shape or using a stonecutter
  • Chiseled Endstone can now be crafted using a stonecutter


  • Polished Obsidian can now be crafted with four obsidian in a 2x2 shape or using a stonecutter
  • Obsidian Bricks can now be crafted with four "Polished Obsidian" in a 2x2 shape or using a stonecutter
  • Chiseled Obsidian can now be crafted using a stonecutter

Cracked/Mossy Bricks:

  • All cracked bricks are made by smelting the corresponding variant
  • All mossy bricks are made by crafting the corresponding variant with vines or the moss block added in 1.17 (some bricks do not have mossy varients)


  • THIS ADDON MAKES CHANGES TO YOUR WORLD THAT ARE DIFFICULT TO REVERSE. If you plan to use this addon on a preexisting world, make backups before doing so and avoid removing the addon if possible.
  • You may use this addon in video productions however, you may not claim that you made it. You must link this page.
  • DO NOT post download links to this addon anywhere else. If you want to share the addon, share this page, not the download.
  • Enable all experimental features in the world settings of the world you want to apply this addon too.
  • If at any point you find any issues, bugs, or inconsistencies, please visit my YouTube video above and leave a comment there. That is the easiest way to guarantee that I see your comment and fix it quickly
  • Added Calcite variants
  • Added Tuff variants
  • Fixed a bug with sandstone drops


  • Added Calcite variants
  • Added Tuff variants


Topic starter Posted : 15/07/2021 5:15 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 04/08/2022 3:23 pm