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MCPE/Bedrock ExoSkeleton Add-on

Illustrious Member Admin

ExoSkeleton Add-on

This add-on adds an ExoSkeleton with special abilities that will make you much stronger and more agile than normal, you can use it in survival single-player or multiplayer to use it with your friends.

ExoSkeleton Add-on

Creator: Santigamer836 Twitter Account
  • How to use it?

– In the creative mode you can get the items with the “/give” command, since in the most recent versions the game does not support custom items in the creative inventory.

– In survival mode you can get them completely vanilla (crafting them):

I’ll show you next

  • To start what you have to do is the Iron Hammer, it’s crafting is as follows:

  • When you already have this item you will have to use it to make the Iron Plates, which are done like this:

  • The iron plates are very important to continue, because with them you can do the Reinforced Iron Armor, which is done in this way, but obviously replacing what is shown in the photo with the other parts of iron armor:

  • This is the Redstone Reactor, which is also a fundamental part of obtaining the ExoSkeleton:

  • Now once you have all these things, putting them in this way you can get the ExoSkeleton:

  • When the player has it equipped, it looks like this:

– Hold the ExoSkeleton item in your hand and right click if you are in Windows 10, or press the screen if you are on mobile devices, after this you will be automatically equipped, giving you the following skills:

  • Its attack damage, which by default is 1, rises to 15, which is added to the damage the weapon you use has.
  • Your total hearts increase from 10 to 20, so you will have 2 full hearts bars.
  • Fall damage is completely eliminated.
  • The movement speed, which by default is 0.1, is increased to 0.2, so you will run a little faster than normal.
  • There is a 50% chance that in each hit received you will not experience knockback


Topic starter Posted : 24/01/2020 12:27 pm