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MCPE/Bedrock Expansive Fantasy (Dragon Addon)

Illustrious Member Admin

Expansive Fantasy (Dragon Addon)

Want your own fire breathing dragon then this is the addon for you soar through the air and go wherever it will take you. Take on any enemy that comes your way. Become one with your dragon and show everyone that the bond you share with your dragon is unmatched . Do you have what it takes to become a dragon master?

Sorry it took us so long to update this addon that's because we have added a bunch of stuff to improve this addon

Lets start with entities

  • Dragons

They are very hostile and very powerful, dragons have 4 variant skins, and they spawn on extreme hills,


  • Wyverns

Wyverns have 3 types the fire wyvern, ice wyvern, and poison wyvern they spawn on custom biomes like dragons they are also very hostile and very powerful so make sure before fighting them you have a complete gear and have the stong weapons

now if you manage to defeat the wyvern or the dragon they will transform into dead entity both wyvern and dragons have their own drop items and a 50% chance of dropping eggs when dragon and wyverns are in their dead form you will need to hold an orc axe (a.k.a draxe) to get their loot 

  • Dragon and Wyvern Eggs

all eggs only hatch on their respective blocks 

dragon eggs takes 5 minecraft days to hatch

wyvern eggs takes only 3 minecraft days to hatch

Dragons and wyverns from eggs are tameable use salmon to tame them

as minecraft time goes by baby dragons and wyverns will grow or you can speed up its growing by feeding them salmon

take note that baby dragon and wyverns like to eat chickens so dont forget to leash  or make them sit and they loved to sleep most of the time,

as requested by some members on my discord we have added a riding behavior for baby dragon and wyverns, now they will ride on the shoulder of the player, to make them go down simply just hold salmon or sneak and jump


When baby dragon/wyvern becomes adult you can now ride them and fly with them but you will need a  dragon saddle to control them also take note that adult tamed dragon/wyverns will attack all hostile mobs like zombie, creeper, and all so if you take out its saddle you need to leashed them or make them sit unsaddled dragon/wyvern will not follow its owner to make them sit you need to sneak and interact with the it adult dragons/wyverns also loved to sleep you cant ride them while they are sleeping  to wake them up put or remove its saddle or make a mob go near the sleeping dragon/wyvern, 


you can breed two tamed dragon/wyvern using golden apple after a successful breeding event they will lay egg and hatch to a untamed baby dragon/wyvern

  • take not that we have added gender to dragon and wyvern

Flying mechanics are the same as the old version except the command_block now has been removed

While flying look at the dragon body and tap the look around to idle mid air

Tap fly mode to disable look around and starts flying again

When on ground you can disable the fly so you can look up without flying the dragon

Enable fly to start flying again

Look up to fly and look down to fly down


Now for fireball attack you need to fly with the dragon and you need to idle mid air or the look around interaction button then you need to hold a blaze rod and interact again to the dragon/wyvern


You have 2-4 seconds to aim where the dragon will shoot its fireball


Take note that you need to practice and calculate the fireball XD 


  • The Orcs

There are 3 types of orc and they are the very important entity on this update because they have all the recipe for custom items weapons and armors


neutral orc spawned underground throw  raw angler fish infront of them and they will open a trade for you for a limited time, give them diamond pickaxe and hold an orc axe (a.k.a draxe) to make them go mining


orc follower spawned everywhere they are very hostile and always have an orc sword

if you manage to kill them theres a 100% chance of dropping its sword this sword is upgradable through stone cutter


orc captain spawn everywhere they are also very strong and very hostile they have the draxe and they wear armor orc captain always spawn riding ravager and have 2 orc follower on his side theres a 100% chance of dropping its axe when you kill it

  • Sea Serpent

this entity have been introduced last update but we have change its behavior it has now 2 AI and they now have their own drops

  • Angler Fish

this entity is the second important entity because the item it drops is the key to open the orc trade


  • Dracolyte Forge

this entity is also important because all weapons and armors are in them, see crafting recipe for this below, when you place the dracolyte and you want to remove it simple just sneak and clicked remove



now lets move to new custom biomes


  • scorched
  • on this biome hills you can find fire wyverns


  • frostbitten biome

on this biome you can find ice wyverns


toxic biome

poison wyvern spawned on this biome


now lets move to crafting

  • dragon saddle


  • fire dragon armor


  • ice dragon armor


  • poison dragon armor


  • fire wyvern armor


  • ice wyvern armor


  • poison wyvern armor


  • dracolyte forge note blame lusciouskneez and darkastromed they are the one who made this over priced recipe xd

Do not use your own link, use the appropriate link in McBedrock

If you want to use this for your content, at least credit me.


My youtube channel:

My discord server:

  • added wyverns
  • added custom blocks
  • added custom biomes
  • improved dragon behavior
  • added orcs
  • added custom items
  • added custom weapons
  • added angler fish
  • improved sea serpent behavior
  • change pack icon
  • updated discord link


download the addon and activate to your world

we recommend making a copy of your world

and removing the old version of the addon before activating the new version


Topic starter Posted : 21/02/2020 12:12 pm