Extermobinators Add-On
-Automatic Resource Farms -Area Protectors -Hostile Mob Killers. It is a basic, lightweight but very useful add-on that allows you to choose from among 16 static entities that you can use in different applications. It will be useful to protect important areas such as: houses and own buildings; and to prevent the vandalism of hostile mobs. Their spawn eggs are very easy to craft, because they need few resources that can be obtained even when you have just started your survival game. You can use it to collect resources automatically, simply by placing the "Extermobinator" of your choice in the area you want, it will do all the "dirty work" with the hostile mobs[Instant kill]; you only have to collect the items that have been stored inside.
Addon usage specifications:
- You can choose between 16 "extermobinators", each of them is specialized in acting in the presence of a type of mob, the craft, data and operation of each extermobinator is detailed at the bottom of this section.
- You can craft the extermobinator spawn egg of your choice and spawn it in any type of zone, except lava zones. They do not need redstone or other fuel to work.
- The extermobinator will act [instant kill to mobs] and store resources, even if it is underground or hidden by other blocks or underwater.
- A dead extermobinator, disappears, and will not give you back its spawn egg, But its crafting is too cheap, and it is easy to make how many you need.
- Before killing an extermobinator, remember that you must empty its inventory that is useful to you, because once dead, the extermobinator will disappear along with the things stored in its inventory.
- Each extermobinator has a radius of action of 10 blocks, except 1. Eover [which instantly eliminates any hostile mob in the overworld, except the zombie villager] and 2. Enether [which eliminates hostile mobs in the nether]. These last 2 have a radius of action of 15 blocks.
- You can use all the extermobinators at the same time within your survival world, but you cannot place an extermobinator within the range of another extermobinator [10 blocks generally], even if they are both of the same type.
- Extermobinators are useful for collecting resources, however, when they exterminate any mob, they do not give you experience levels, unless you have hit the mob before being exterminated
- All extermobinators collect and store indefinitely in their inventory any type of item that is lying within their range of action, including items dropped by the mobs they have eliminated.
Below I present specifications of each entity of this add-on:
Extermobinators to collect animal resources:
1. Epig.
Necessary elements for its crafting: sticks, and raw pork chop.
Action radius: 10 blocks
Instant kill for: Pig
Command to receive its spawn egg [for operators]: /give @s em:epig_spawn_egg 1
Command to summon this entity [for operators]: /summon em:epig ~ ~ ~
2. Esheep.
Necessary elements for its crafting: sticks, and wool.
Action radius: 10 blocks
Instant kill for: Sheep
Command to receive its spawn egg [for operators]: /give @s em:esheep_spawn_egg 1
Command to summon this entity [for operators]: /summon em:esheep ~ ~ ~
3. Echicken.
Necessary elements for its crafting: sticks, and feather.
Action radius: 10 blocks
Instant kill for: Chicken
Command to receive its spawn egg [for operators]: /give @s em:echicken_spawn_egg 1
Command to summon this entity [for operators]: /summon em:echicken ~ ~ ~
4. Erabbit.
Necessary elements for its crafting: sticks, and raw rabbit.
Action radius: 10 blocks
Instant kill for: Rabbit
Command to receive its spawn egg [for operators]: /give @s em:erabbit_spawn_egg 1
Command to summon this entity [for operators]: /summon em:erabbit ~ ~ ~
5. Ecow.
Necessary elements for its crafting: sticks, and leather.
Action radius: 10 blocks
Instant kill for: Cow
Command to receive its spawn egg [for operators]: /give @s em:ecow_spawn_egg 1
Command to summon this entity [for operators]: /summon em:ecow ~ ~ ~
6. Efish.
Necessary elements for its crafting: sticks, and fishing rod.
Action radius: 10 blocks
Instant kill for: Cod, salmon, pufferfish, tropical fish.
Command to receive its spawn egg [for operators]: /give @s em:efish_spawn_egg 1
Command to summon this entity [for operators]: /summon em:efish ~ ~ ~
[You can place it under water]
7. Esquid.
Necessary elements for its crafting: sticks, and ink sac.
Action radius: 10 blocks
Instant kill for: squid, glow squid.
Command to receive its spawn egg [for operators]: /give @s em:esquid_spawn_egg 1
Command to summon this entity [for operators]: /summon em:esquid ~ ~ ~
[You can place it under water]
Extermobinators area protectors, and to collect hostil mobs resources:
8. Espider.
Necessary elements for its crafting: sticks, and string.
Action radius: 10 blocks
Instant kill for: spider, cave spider.
Command to receive its spawn egg [for operators]: /give @s em:espider_spawn_egg 1
Command to summon this entity [for operators]: /summon em:espider ~ ~ ~
9. Ecreeper.
Necessary elements for its crafting: sticks, and gunpowder.
Action radius: 10 blocks
Instant kill for: Creeper.
Command to receive its spawn egg [for operators]: /give @s em:ecreeper_spawn_egg 1
Command to summon this entity [for operators]: /summon em:ecreeper ~ ~ ~
10. Edrowned.
Necessary elements for its crafting: sticks, and seagrass.
Action radius: 10 blocks.
Instant kill for: Drowned.
Command to receive its spawn egg [for operators]: /give @s em:edrowned_spawn_egg 1
Command to summon this entity [for operators]: /summon em:edrowned ~ ~ ~
[You can place it under water]
11. Eenderman.
Necessary elements for its crafting: sticks, and ender pearl.
Action radius: 10 blocks.
Instant kill for: Enderman.
Command to receive its spawn egg [for operators]: /give @s em:eenderman_spawn_egg 1
Command to summon this entity [for operators]: /summon em:eenderman ~ ~ ~
12. Eskeleton.
Necessary elements for its crafting: sticks, and bone.
Action radius: 10 blocks.
Instant kill for: Skeleton.
Command to receive its spawn egg [for operators]: /give @s em:eskeleton_spawn_egg 1
Command to summon this entity [for operators]: /summon em:eskeleton ~ ~ ~
13. Eslime.
Necessary elements for its crafting: sticks, and slime ball.
Action radius: 10 blocks.
Instant kill for: Slime.
Command to receive its spawn egg [for operators]: /give @s em:eslime_spawn_egg 1
Command to summon this entity [for operators]: /summon em:eslime ~ ~ ~
14. Ezombie.
Necessary elements for its crafting: sticks, and rotten flesh.
Action radius: 10 blocks.
Instant kill for: Zombie.
Command to receive its spawn egg [for operators]: /give @s em:ezombie_spawn_egg 1
Command to summon this entity [for operators]: /summon em:ezombie ~ ~ ~
15. Enether.
Necessary elements for its crafting: sticks, soul sand, netherrack and obsidian.
Action radius: 15 blocks.
Instant kill for: Ghast, enderman, piglin, piglin brute, zombie pigman, hoglin, zoglin, magma cube, skeleton, wither skeleton and blaze.
Command to receive its spawn egg [for operators]: /give @s em:enether_spawn_egg 1
Command to summon this entity [for operators]: /summon em:enether ~ ~ ~
[You can locate it in the nether]
16. Eover.
Necessary elements for its crafting: Ecreeper spawn egg, Eskeleton spawn egg, Ezombie spawn egg.
Action radius: 15 blocks.
Instant kill for: Zombie, creeper, enderman, skeleton, slime, spider, cave spider, drowned, elder guardian, guardian, phantom, pillager, vex, evocation fang, evocation illager, witch, vindicator, ravager and wither[After its first explosion. Try to locate "Eover" about 10 blocks away from where you summon the wither, to prevent it from exploding with the wither.]
Command to receive its spawn egg [for operators]: /give @s em:eover_spawn_egg 1
Command to summon this entity [for operators]: /summon em:eover ~ ~ ~
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