FalloutCrafter (UPDATED)
FalloutCrafter is an texture pack which is based on the popular Fallout games. The idea is to turn Minecraft into a much more harsh environment. Most armors, items, mobs and blocks have got complete new textures to make everything look more as an apocalyptic world.
This texture pack is not originally mine and I do not take any credit for the original textures and submitted ones. I am only here to keep it updated for the foreseeable future.
FalloutCrafter is an old addon from 2016, due to some people still using it to this day I have decided that with the permission of the original creator (you can find his twitter down below) to update the code and missing textures. I will accept texture submissions in my discord server which is down below and will be working on new textures in my spare time.
Falloutcrafter is not just a texture pack since the code was updated and does not need the behavior pack anymore.
-removed links to old pack, if its not removed again for some reason then only click on the one titled falloutcrafter.mcaddon
creator: https://twitter.com/The_WTFverse