Fast-O Miner Addon – Improved Survival Experience!
Fast-O Miner Addon.
Add’s Tree capitator and a Vein Miner to your worlds and more!
You can chop down tree’s and break ores in one hit!
But, How does it actually work?
You have to use an axe and sneak to break wood all at once
But if you dont sneak when breaking you can still break normally
if you dont use an axe itll not work
This also works on ores
Break ores all at once by sneaking
To break them normally dont sneak when breaking
And also works on gravel and clay!!
if you dont use a shovel itll not work!
You can also gather crimson and warped logs also break nether ore’s too. (images will update soon)
There is also an Easter Egg in this addon
You can ride horses with two players ^^
I Also added some recipes (new link will get added for those who doesnt like recipes)
flint only works in normal furnaces because it would be too op if ı add it to blast furnace
You can cook “Rotten Flesh” and gather “leather” in “furnaces and even camp fires”
Wooden axe’s ability to break logs at the same time has removed. it was too op
Note: You dont need Experimental Gameplay to use this addon!
Use English (UK) language
You’re Not Allowed to Edit the Addon!
if you’re going to share the addon use my links.
for those who wants to look to my code, ı didnt encoded my addon.
that way some people may learn how to make addons for themselfs rather than stealing
trailer is for the old version! will be updated soon.
- updated manifest.json
- tested with other addons and it is working as intended
- updated all the download links
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please dont get mad about Im not getting paid
creator: AsilZade