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MCPE/Bedrock Fezario Animal Addon v1.3 (The Tropical Update)

Illustrious Member Admin

Fezario Animal Addon v1.3 (The Tropical Update)


fezario is an addon that adds new mobs to minecraft! not only mobs, fezario also adds new items and structures to Minecraft! Mobs in the fezario addon can also appear naturally, so you can play this addon in survival mode 




dummy is a mob that you can use to test how the fezario mobs attacks its prey



Tiger has 20 health, 6 damage, and lives in the jungle.

He will attack players, chickens, cows, pigs, sheep, villagers, and dummy 




Tortoise lives in deserts and savannas, he has 25 health and you can breed him with beetroot, carrot, wheat, and grass.


River Turtle

Health: 16

Habitat: river


koi have 7 health and live in jungle and taiga

Will drop itself when it dies 


You can find this small cephalopod in the warm ocean and it has 10 health 

Be careful with bluering octopus because they have poison in their bodies ! 


Orcas live in frozen waters, this apex predator preys on sharks and sea lions, they have 30 health and 14 damage!


ostrich lives in the savanna, he has 20 health and 7 damage,they really hate illager and zombies..

You can also tame them with salmon and cod!


Sea horse

Seahorse has 7 health and he lives in warm ocean 


Sea lion

Health: 15



Health: 15

Habitat: luke warm ocean

Damage: 11

Attack: drowned,dummy


Health: 18

Habitat: jungle

Damage: 15

Attack: dummy,drowned 



Health: 6

Habitat: jungle 




Habitat: jungle,taiga

Komodo dragon

Health: 18

Habitat: mesa

Damage: 4

Attack: player,zombie,illager,dummy,goat,chicken,cow,sheep,shepherd,butcher

Habitat: jungle edge

Loot: lizard skin

Tame item: rotten flesh

Breed item: chicken,rabbit,suspicius stew


Crocodiles live in rivers and have 18 health.

He has 5 damage and will attack betta fish, sea horse, chicken, rabbit, salmon, and villager.

He will drop the reptile skin when killed.


Crocodile skink

Crocodile skink has 5 health, he lives in the jungle and can be breed using fish, salmon, spider, eye, and berries.


can be tamed using apples and melons.



Hedgehog lives in the forest, he has 10 health and can be breed using apples and melons.


can also be tamed using apples and sweet berries.


hemiramphinae are small fish that live in rivers, they have 4 health and you can eat them.


magmatorts are tortoises that live in the nether, they can be found in basalt delta and have 50 health


will also drop the magtonium when killed.

Nio dragon


nio dragon is a small fire dragon that lives in extreme hills, they like to hunt goat, cat, rabbit, and sheep. 


Archeopteryx is a small dino that lives in the jungle,They can jump high from tree to tree!

They have 10 health and can be breed using seeds.


You can also tame it using melon, spider eye,apple,and salmon.


they can also be told to follow their owner and move around.



Velociraptor lives in the desert, they have 15 health and 4 damage, chicken and rabbit are their prey!


They can be tamed with rabbits and can be breed using pork chop, raw mutton, chicken, salmon, cod, and beef.


They have a habit of destroying farms, put carved pumpkins around the farm so they don't destroy your farm!



Pleco is a very unique fish, they can survive on land very long and they like to eat moss!


They have 12 health and can be found in the river.


Blacktip reef shark (neutral)

Has 13 healpoints

Has 4 attack damage

Habitat: warm ocean, lukewarm ocean, and beach

Attack: octopus, nautilus, and squid


Rhinoceros (neutral)

Has 18 health points

Has 8 attack damage

Habitat: jungle

Breed items: wheat, carrot, and fruits


Clams (passive)

Has 5 health points

Habitat: ocean


Some can be found to have pearl

Crab (neutral)

Has 6 healthpoints

Has 8 attack damage

Habitat: beach and mangroves

drop the crab claw when it dies

Attack: octopus

Hermitcrab (neutral)

Has 13 healthpoints

Has 3 attack damage

Habitat: beach and warm ocean

drop the crab claw when it dies

some are passive and some are hostile

Grey reef shark (neutral)

Has 16 healthpoints

Has 6 attack damage

Habitat: warm ocean

Attack: octopus, nautilus, and squid


Snakehead fish (neutral)

Has 10 healthpoint

Has 4 attack damage

Habitat: river and mangrove


Honduran white bat (passive)

Has 6 healtpoints

Habitat: jungle

Iguana (passive)

Has 10 healtpoints

Breed items: fruits and berries

Breed items: fruits

Habitat: jungle


Illager trader (passive)

Has 10 healthpoints

Habitat: overworld

You can trade with him !



Monkey (neutral)

Has 15 healthpoints

Has 3 attack damage

Breed items: apple and melon

Habitat: jungle


Nautilus (passive)

Has 6 health

Drop nautilus shell when it dies

Habitat: ocean


Orangutan (neutral)

Has 15 healthpoints

Has 6 attack damage

Breed items: apple and melon

Habitat: jungle


Protoceratops (neutral)


Has 18 healthpoints

Has 5 attack damage

Habitas: mesa

Attack: velociraptor




Habitat: swamp and mangrove


Big size : hostile / 7 attack damage / 20 healthpoints

Medium size : neutral / 5 attack damage / 18 healpoints

Small size : neutral / 3 attack damage / 15 healthpoints



Toucan (passive)

Has 6 healthpoints

Tame items: seeds

Habitat: jungle



Ruddy treeshrew (passive)

Has 6 healthpoints

Habitat: forest

Afraid of players



You can find new plants in desert and savanna such as acacia bush, small cactus, and dry grass


Palm trees can now be found on the beach

algae will appear in the jungle and swamp




-Magtonium,magtonium ingot,and magtonium sword

You can melt the magtonium into a magtonium ingot, and the magtonium ingot can be crafted into a magtonium sword.

Magtonium swords have the same damage as iron swords and the same durability as diamond swords



-Reptile skin and reptile skin armor

Reptile skin can be combined with a leather tunic And become a reptile skin armor.



Pearls can be obtained by killing clams that have pearls in their mouths

pearl can also be made into ender pearl using popped chorus fruit


Bucketable mobs

Octopus, crab, arowana, koi, hermitcrab, blacktip reef shark, turtle, bettafish, and snakehead fish


Crab claw

crab claw can be obtained by killing crab and hermit crab, crab claw can also be cooked into cooked crab claw



Shell can be obtained by destroying hermitcrabs shells





Will appear in forest, jungle, ice plains



Old shelter

Will appear in forest and jungle


if you share or create YouTube content about fezario addon, please use the link and give me credit


If you find a bug in this addon please let us know in the comments 




click the download link, open the zip file, move the FezarioRP folder to the resource pack folder and move the FezarioBP folder to the Behavior pack folder

Don't forget to activate the experimental feature when you want to play the fezario addon 


Topic starter Posted : 22/05/2022 6:21 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 11/08/2022 2:56 pm