The Inferno Expansion
The Nether is mid-way through it's life with it having 12 billion years before it cools. With the nether evolving, it is starting to infect the overworld with it infecting the Mountains. All the mountains have been spreader by Nether life with all the snow melted. After 5 billion years of infesting, the Nether started to mutated and add new life to itself to become stronger.

Inferno Expansion
The friendly mobs
Anadeare, Scrached Goat, and Verneina
Anadeare (Anadesne wolf)
- Can be tamed and attack mobs just like a normal wolf

Scrached Goat (Nether Goat)
- Doesn't drop it's horn due to it not being added yet
- Higher chance of ramming players unless in Peaceful Mode

Verneina (Green Pig)
- Able to be used as a food farm without it being hostile
- Can't be roden (bug)

The basaltlings (Pitch Dark Mobs) (Enchanced Piglins and Hoglins)
Basaltling, and Splitless Basaltling
Splitless Basaltling
- Abandoned Piglin with an Anadesne Sword (Upcoming Feature)
- Slightly faster than a normal piglin
- Unable to be zombified

- Can be summoned by Splitless Basaltling (bug)
- Effect players in a given block radius weakness when attacked
- Can transform into Splitless Basaltling (bug)

Magma-Covered Zombie
- Summoned when zombies burns in lava
- Unable to damage doors
- Can unite with Normal Zombies

Middle Nether+
Nether Jungle-Capped Skeleton
- Summoned when skeeltons burns in lava
- Rarely can go invisible for three seconds
- Summons Reinforcements if below 1/14 of its health (2/30)
- Can unite with Normal Skeletons

Deformed-Wither Skeleton
- Immune to Fire, Lava, and Campfires (bug)
- Rarely can affect player a with the Decay effect for thriteen seconds
- Unable to be summoned by natural spawning
- Can unite with Wither Skeleton

Soul Goe
- Summoned above Grove, Snowy Taiga, and Jagged Peaks when Night or Raining
- Periodically dives down to Player
- Can unite with Phantoms

- Floats slightly faster to avoid melee damage
- Summons Blazes once every 10 seconds
- Immune to water (due to it being a boss)
- Can shoot out Fireballs

The Nether Controller (The boss of the Nether)
The nether controller has gotten a new texture. If anyone plays Minecraft Dungeons, this may look familiar. That's because it is the Tempest Golem. I decided to instead use filters to heat the texture up until it looks fitted.

Nether Controller (Large Spike Golem)
- Doesn't damage players but its Warriors do
- Summon backup and gets effected with Resistance 12
- Only summon by being waken by a block destroyed
- Resummon Pillar when destroyed
Animations of this mob was broken during development and still is so there are some replacement animations

The arena that the boss is summoned in when the button is broken

While the structure for the arena is not yet added, the button is craftable.
The structure has now been added ,sorta a function is actually being used to spawn in the structure
Nether Controller Summoner
- It is a button that naturally spawns in The Nether Chamber (an upcoming structure) that will summon two pillars, summon 7 hoglins, and the Nether Controller coming out of the ground (upcoming animation) when it is pressed.
- Only able to be craft able or obtained by a Magma Covered Zombie having a 1/140 chance of being dropped.
Fire Pillar
- This is both A block and a entity to make this work
- Have two versions of itself
- One summons Basaltlings
- The other summons Splitless Basaltlings

Expanse Hellscape
The Nether has now been update for a third time with new Sub-Biomes, Mobs, Blocks, and Multi-Variant Blocks
But before that let's check out the mobs first
This is a mob found in the Soulsand Valley that as of right now can't attack even when provoked.
Spawn Location: Soulsand Valley

This is a cute little fungus mob that can spawn in both the Crimson and Warped Forest that walks with it bobbing up and down.
Spawn Location: Crimson Forest, Warped Forest

This is a mob that can be ridden and can be ridden across lava.
(However this was the last mob to be developed and started development only 11 days before V1.0.5 was released so there are many bugs so whether you do, don't use the mob for it purpose, just bring him with you until V1.0.6)
Spawn Location: Soulsand Valley, Basalt Deltas

This is a hostile mob that is basically the Nether version of the Warden with some broken animations and attacks when provoked.
Spawn Location: Nether Wastes, Crimson Forest

This is a hostile, mutated and fire version of the Pig which is why it makes pig noises, it floats with no legs and moves faster than a normal piglin. Attack when provoked.
Spawn Location: Crimson Forest

This was inspired by the original design for the Warden with a darker texture, this mob also has 12 eyes in his mouth so pure nightmare fuel during the design stage. Attack when provoked.
Spawn Location: Basalt Deltas

This is a mob that it model is actually offset by one block below to act as a surprise attack. An animation for it spring up is in the files yet isn't active yet
Spawn Location: Anywhere in the Nether

Now that the mobs are demonstrated, let's check out the new Nether Generation
Crimson Forest

Warped Forest

Soulsand Valley

Basalt Deltas

Underneath Crimson Forest

Underneath Warped Forest

The rest of the Nether below Y31

Some of the Blocks

Mountain Generation

Single Biome Frozen Peaks Generation

If you wonder how I got this single biome world, It was thanks to the add-on "Pure Buffet" by "TheLogicalMine"
This is still plans for the overall nether to be updated even more now with the Expanse Hellscape. You could bone meal the nylium to spread vegetation.
This add-on is based on one of the four elements: Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind, with Fire being chosen for this addon, and also being the infection of the peaks.
Added 75+ new blocks counting up to exactly 238 blocks
Added Skeandion, Flame, Elf, Flame Demon, Firehowler, Soulsand Beast, Soul Rider, Nether Mouth Trap (7 new mobs)
Higher up the amount trees in the Mountain Generation
Change the code and texture to the Basaltling, Spiltless Basaltling, and Magma-Covered Zombie
Added a new pair of code to add Counter-Noise Placement and Multi-Generation Alterations to add sub-biomes to existing Nether Biomes and for the placement of Custom Nether Plants
Added functions to place structures in the Nether
Click on "InfernoExpansionV1.0.5.mcaddon", wait until the bar reaches 100%, click on "Downloads" and last click on "InfernoExpansion.mcaddon"
creator: JoeyTallarock