Fixed Vanilla
This Resource Pack fixes some issues in the base game related to textures, models and animations, both default and classic textures are supported, Every fix is listed in the description.

- Save and Load Structure Blocks now use the correct textures [MCPE-48224];
- Chiseled and Cut Red Sandstone blocks’ undersides now use the correct texture [MCPE-20006];
- Melons’ underside now use the correct texture [MCPE-31035];
- Bee Nests and Beehives now correctly play wood sounds when placed [MCPE-53577];
- The carried Grass Block top texture now matches the sides;
- Sandstone and Red Sandstone walls no longer use their side textures;
- Various fixes related to the command completion screen:
- Fixed 'lit_blast_furnace', 'lit_furnace' and 'lit_smoker' icons [MCPE-48042];
- Fixed 'lava_cauldron' icon;
- Fixed all 'standing_sign' and 'wall_sign' variants;
- Fixed 'tripwire' icon;
- Fixed 'powered_repeater' and 'unpowered_repeater' icons;
- Fixed 'powered_comparator' and 'unpowered_repeater' icons;
- Fixed 'potatoes' and 'carrots' icons;
- Fixed 'bamboo_sapling' icon;
- Cracked & Chiseled Nether Bricks now use the correct sounds;
- Obsidian and Crying Obsidian can no longer be randomly rotated;
- Blackstone slabs, stairs and walls now use the correct textures on their top and bottom sides.
- Pillagers and Zombie Villagers now have the correct height [MCPE-42631];
- Zombie Villagers, Vindicators and Pillagers no longer render the armor they're wearing;
- Shulkers are properly scaled now [MCPE-41736];
- Tropical fish no longer have random rotations while flopping.
- Item Frame breaking particles no longer display black borders;
- Fixed Pillager arms' back texture (suggested by @LilDibbun) [MCPE-48628];
- Cats, Pandas and Wandering Traders’ Spawn Eggs now match the others;
- Fixed misplaced head layer on some Librarian Villagers [MCPE-47297];
- All the "Per Bend" banner patterns are now consistent with each other;
- Several Nether Update items now match their Java Edition counterparts [MCPE-66085];
- Fixed Phantom Eyes' texture (suggested by @agentms_ via DM);
- Fixed Phantom having two incorrectly visible pixels when under the effect of invisiblity;
- Leather Helmets' brown overlay is now properly positioned;
- Tweaked loom banner output preview [MCPE-65296];
- Fixed Glow Squid texture not being fully glowy [MCPE-117507];
- A few Caves & Cliffs textures now match their Java Edition counterparts [MCPE-122544].
- Updated Cats and Ocelots’ models;
- Corrected model for old Villagers from before 1.11;
- Corrected model for Witches;
- Fixed Drowned model;
- Piglins & Zombified Piglins' second layers are no longer overly inflated;
- Piglins & Zombified Piglins no longer have gaps in their teeth [MCPE-83202];
- Hoglin model now matches Java Edition;
- Baby Hoglin & Zoglin have been tweaked, they won't fully match Java Edition yet.
- Capes no longer disconnect from the player's body when running.
- Fixed Wolf tail being disconnected from the body when sitting [MCPE-31121];
- Made several tweaks to the player's first person animations:
- Tweaked hand position [MCPE-47877];
- Tweaked hand position for skins with different arm heights [MCPE-48870];
- Tweaked punching/mining animation for skins with different arm heights;
- Tweaked hand position while holding maps;
- Tweaked punching/mining animation with held maps;
- Tweaked hand position for skins with different arm heights while holding two maps;
- Tweaked hand animation for loading crossbows;
- Made several tweaks to the player's third person animations:
- Tweaked punching/mining animation (more changes coming in a future update) [MCPE-47940];
- Punching/mining animation no longer has a sudden cut in the end [MCPE-50236];
- Punching/mining animation is once again affected by the direction the player is looking at [MCPE-54697];
- The player model is now centered while swimming;
- Punching/mining animation now uses the correct rotations when gliding;
- Cape rotations now better match Java Edition;
- Capes no longer clip through chestplates [MCPE-90996];
- Drowneds now use the correct animation when holding items in the offhand [MCPE-37425];
- Piglins now use the correct animation when attacking [MCPE-74089];
- Piglins no longer detach their heads and torsos while dancing [MCPE-83828];
- Corrected the bobbing animation for humanoid mobs (players included);
- Elytra wings now have the correct positions while swimming and sleeping;
- Fixed baby squid being slightly offset (Thank you for pointing that out GoldenHelmet, and for the code analysis too!) [MCPE-114253];
- Strider now changes walking animation when being ridden [MCPE-93027];
- Baby Hoglin & Zoglin have been tweaked, they won't fully match Java Edition yet.
- Fixed Campfire smoke size;
- Added back transparency to Campfire smoke particles;
- Campfire Smoke now only start fading after reaching a specific height;
- Entities on top of bubble columns no longer produce white bubbles [MCPE-43881];
- Conduit particles have been updated to match Java Edition;
- Critical hit particles are no longer offset [MCPE-39599];
- Critical hit particles are now closer how they look in Java Edition;
- Explosion particles now match Java Edition.
- Added newer textures that were missing [MCPE-46125];
- Minecart with Command Block’s inventory icon is now purple to match the Repeating Command Block;
- Fixed all potion textures (including the unused ones) [MCPE-44210];
- Fixed all leaves' carried & opaque textures;
- Adjusted lava animation speed [MCPE-46187];
- Adjusted lava animation frame order (suggested by @melamed_tal via DM);
- Jungle Leaves once again correctly color the fruits in item form [MCPE-44116];
- Updated textures for old Villagers and Zombie Villagers from before 1.11;
- Fixed Lily Pads' carried texture [MCPE-44206];
- Fixed Large Fern & Double Tallgrass' carried textures;
- Tweaked Tallgrass, Fern & Vines' carried textures (Can't fully fix this one yet because of MCPE-53775);
- Fixed missing pixel in Tallgrass carried texture;
- Beds' textures now match Java Edition;
- Tipped arrows now have the correct colors.
- Corrected Smithing Table texture [MCPE-44163];
- Corrected Glass and Glass Pane texture [MCPE-23783];
- Fixed Jungle Leaves' carried & opaque textures;
- Added old Shield texture (suggested by @Konerwhite);
- The Honey Bottle texture now matches the other bottles;
- Added original Crying Obsidian texture;
- Regular Nether Bricks now match their variants' colors;
- The Nylium textures now match Netherrack;
- The Nether Gold Ore texture now matches Netherrack.
If you think there is something I can and should fix, please contact me! You can either comment down here or DM me on Twitter!
My Twitter profile: @LateLagMC
1.9 - Caves & Cliffs
The long awaited Caves & Cliffs part one is here! Unfortunately Fixed Vanilla doesn't have as many exciting features as 90 blocks, but it still got something!
- Updated the light block textures [MCPE-127479].
- Hoglin & Zoglin model now matches Java Edition (I swear it's true this time! This'll be the last change I'll make to it!);
- Baby Hoglin & Zoglin have been tweaked, they won't fully match Java Edition yet.
- Strider now changes walking animation when being ridden [MCPE-93027];
- Baby Hoglin & Zoglin have been tweaked, they won't fully match Java Edition yet.
- Updated textures for Polished Blackstone Bricks & Cracked Polished Blackstone Bricks are no longer exclusive to the default textures.
- Updated pack version (sorry, forgot to do it for 1.8. I guess Fixed Vanilla will never have an actual 1.8 version, there's some bit of trivia for ya);
- A new line has been added to reflect changes the pack makes:
- [TEXTURES] A few Caves & Cliffs textures now match their Java Edition counterparts [MCPE-122544];
- The line "Piglins & Zombified Piglins no longer have gaps in their teeth" has been changed:
- [NEW TEXT] Piglins & Zombified Piglins no longer have gaps in their tusks;
- Removed several texture changes from C&C, as the base game has already updated them;
- A few lines from McBedrock descriptions have been updated.
- Download the file and open it;
- Wait for Minecraft to import it;
- Enable it in the settings;
- When updating the pack, please remove previous versions of the pack to prevent issues with clashing files.
The pack supports both Vanilla and Classic textures. Adjust the pack's resolution settings to change compatibility (Minecraft Classic Texture Pack can be downloaded from the Marketplace for free)