Flarx Furniture Mod ( BETA Only) (1.0 Beta)
Minecraft recently has the ability to create new, cool, custom blocks. Why not take this opportunity?
FLARX FURNITURE MOD will help you decorate your home coolly.
See below for more details:
What does this mod (addon) add?:
° Armchair – entity
° Kitchen cabinets – blocks
° Microwave – block
° Stove – block
° TV – block
And more…..
How to use the furniture?
1) Armchair – spawn the chair where you want, direct it to it, press “sit”.
2) Stove, microwave – press on them, place the item in the middle to cook.
3) TV, lamps – just press on them
Now you can cook food not only for your friends, but also for your pets 🙂
*Door bell*
Just press on it.
Other screenshots:
/ give @s furniture …
To get furniture enter:
/ function give_ (what you want to get)
More furniture is planned to be added in the future.
furniture models are made by me. And they cannot be changed (why change them?). If you disagree with me, please write from which mods the models could be taken.
If furniture models are similar to furniture from other mods similar to mine, this does not mean that they were copied! Please review the addon and don't be too biased about the issue.
1.Download the file in "mcpack" format.
creator: https://mobile.twitter.com/flarxxs