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MCPE/Bedrock FlaviusFire’s Function Pack 2

Illustrious Member Admin

FlaviusFire’s Function Pack 2

Greetings to all! This is my second function pack, which includes features like a few instant minigames, some map creation presets, and a few death traps, including remote explosives!  Download below (but I recommend you read the description first).

To get started, write  /function help_2 to get a list of all available functions in the pack.

Now for the traps.

/function death_trap summons anvils over a random player. Be warned, it could be you!

/function hidden_hole creates a 10 block wide hole down to below bedrock one block underground underneath you. Just don’t forget it’s there and mine into it!

/function create_remote_explosive creates a remote explosive one block underground underneath you. /function detonate detonates it.



/function collect_xp teleports all existing experience to you. Convenient if you’ve just killed a lot of things or blown up a lot of TNT.

/function mapmaker_mode basically changes a bunch of gamerules to optimize for making a Minecraft map of your own. Run /function map_complete when you’re done to tidy everything up!


In this function a few instant minigames have been included. However, if you’re playing with other people and don’t want to be sucked away from whatever you’re doing to play, write /function be_exempt. It will block you from automatically joining an instant minigames. If you wish to be able to join games again, write /function be_unexempt. Onto the minigames!

/function spleef creates an instant game of Spleef!

/function tnt_run creates an instant game of TNT Run!

/function pvp_arena creates an instant PVP Arena and equips all player to fight eachother.


/function vanish causes you to turn invisible to other players. /function unvanish makes you visible again. Useful for a server admin who doesn’t want to be observed.


/function when_pigs_fly makes a number of flying pigs,

And last but not least, /function stone_maker creates a cobblestone generator.


That’s it for this pack! If you have any ideas for my next pack, please leave them in the comments. (Suggest something besides WorldEdit, I think one of those exists already.) 

Also, my first map coming soon!


Update the cover image so they'd actually let me post it. (Won't happen again!)


Download the .mcpack file and open it to install. Add to your world like a behavior pack.



Supported Minecraft versions

1.12 - 1.13

Topic starter Posted : 05/09/2019 6:03 pm