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MCPE/Bedrock FNAF Heads Resource Pac

Illustrious Member Admin

FNAF Heads Resource Pack


This texture pack modifies the textures and models of the Minecraft mob skulls by adding the masks of the animatronics from five nights at Freddy’s.

The smacks are adapted to Minecraft models, adding few cubes to create these skins

This texture pack adds the following masks:

Freddy mask

Freddy’s mask replaces the skull of the zombies. Inspired by its unwithered version


Bonnie mask

Bonnie’s mask replace the skull of the skeletons. Inspired by its unwithered version


Chica mask

Chica’s mask replaces the skull of the creepers. Inspired by its unwithered version


Foxy mask

Foxy’s mask replaces the skull of the wither skeletons. Inspired by its unwithered version


Creator mask

Creator’s mask replaces the skull of the players. Inspired by my skin (Note:The trident not included in the texture pack)


Other screenshots


Future features:

  • Add withered version
  • Add funtime version
  • Add toy version
  • Add nightmare version
  • Add phantom version
  • Add rockstar version
  • Add classic version

Fixed download link name

That's all i made, nothing more



  • If you are going to use files from this texture pack let me know before doing so
  • Currently there is not link by MediaFire



Topic starter Posted : 01/06/2020 11:55 am