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MCPE/Bedrock Foods Plus 2

Illustrious Member Admin

Foods Plus 2


Agriculture and food in general is an important aspect of Minecraft that can be expanded on. This addon helps improve and expand it by adding in over 40+ brand new crops, 100+ new foods, new mobs, and so much more! Food's plus 2 is a complete overhaul of the original food's plus addon, Additionally, This addon is also translated into multiple languages, and it has compatibility with most other addons.


Food's Plus 2

This action packed addon features tons of new crops, foods, blocks and more!

If your a fan of the original foods plus addon, you'll most likely like this one to

-107+ new foods!

-40+ New Crops

-New trees

-New blocks

-More Mobs

-And more!



Supported Languages

This addon is translated into many different languages! click the tab below to view them

🌐Supported Languages 🌐
  • -English
  • -Español / Spanish
  • -Português / Portuguese 
  • -français / French
  • -deutsch / German
  • -Türk / Turkish
  • -日本語 / Japanese (Translated by @ksktube)
  • -한국어 / Korean


🎂New Foods🎂

This addon comes with tons of neat new foods to mess around with! with more being added in the future

Click a spoiler below for more information

How to cook and craft



Some food will need to be crafted, to do this just go into a crafting bench and hit the toggle on the top left and it should show you all the recipes

How to cook

The food has to be cooked using a smoker.


Some foods, such as kabobs and smores for example, have to be cooked over a campfire



This mod comes with some neat crops! they all have a Semi- Vanillia look to theme and range from simple 2d crops to 3D ones as well!

The various seeds can be gained by trading with the wandering farmer

-Currently there is 35 Different Crops and 9 Different Fruit trees

Each crop has 4 different stages, similarly to vanilla crops, once they are fully grown they typically change to a darker color and are bigger

🌳 Tree's 🌳

Trees! everybody's favorite plant, these guys are grown from saplings and can also grow fruit as well.

Here's a simple overview of the new trees featured in this addon

Maple Trees

Maple Trees

Maple Trees! you can harvest their leaves and turn them into maple syrup in the crafting table! addionally, you can also craft some new planks from their logs as well.

The logs can be crafted into red planks


Cherry Blossoms 

Cherry Blossoms

Cherry blossoms can grow cherry's! 

They can also be cutdown and turned into pink planks

Palm Trees

Palm Trees

These trees, come in many different sizes, they can be planted using saplings and will grow coco-nuts to.

Their logs can also be turned into a neat tropical brown color, also note that due to the sheer size of the palm trees, when you place their sapling and the tree grows there's a chance it can destroy some of the nearby blocks, so make sure to place these in a wide open field to avoid any damage.


Cinnamon Trees

Cinnamon Trees!

Cinnamon trees, like all other trees their logs can be crafted into planks! you can also turn their planks into cinnamon.

Orange Trees

Orange Trees

These trees give your oranges!

Lemon Trees

Lemon Trees

These Trees give you lemons!

Other Trees

List of other Trees

Olive Trees

Olive Trees

Soul Trees

Soul Trees!

These trees only grow on soul sand, soul soil and dirt! once they are grown they will grow soul fruit. Their roots can also be used to craft soul lights.

Mango Trees

Mango Trees

Gives you mangos

Peach Trees

Peach Trees

🚜Farming Machinery🚜

Use farm vechiles to harvest crops faster and more efficiently! you can get these machines by trading with the crop trader, or by using the pc.

Click on the Tab below to find more info about the vehicles

Farming Vehicle Overview

The tractor is the most basic form of farming vehicles, they can harvest all types of crops expect for fruit trees

Grain Harvester

A more effiecnt and faster version of the tractator that can only harvest grains, such as, wheat, spelt, sorghum, oat, etc

Modern Combine Harvester

Currently, this is the best type of farming vehicle. it can be used to harvest all crop types and is faster then the tractor, it also comes in 8 colors


🦊New Mobs🦊

This addon also features some new mobs! at the moment they are mostly for aesthetic, however more uses will be added in the future

🦋Butter Flys 🦋

Butter Flys 🦋

These are aesthetic mobs, meaning that they are mostly just for looks

They can also be tied to a lead

💸Wandering Farmer💸

Wandering Farmer

The wandering farmer can be found wandering around in the overworld! you can buy various seeds and saplings from him.

🎂 Aimless Baker 🎂

The Aimless Baker!

The aimless baker can be found roaming the world. you can buy Cakes, Pies and baking supplies from him.

Farm Animals  🐷


Ducks can be found wandering around rivers and ponds! but be aware, they will also try to eat your crops to, so be sure to keep them away from any crops. they can also be tamed and they will fight for you, however they will run away once hit.

Similarly to chickens, ducks can also lay eggs


Bean seeds, Cabbage, seeds, corn seeds, lettuce seeds, broccoli seeds, ginger seeds and asparagus seeds


Duck feed



Turkeys can be found wandering around plains biomes, you can hunt them for raw turkey. similarly to ducks, they can also eat your crops.

Unfortunately turkeys, cannot be tamed, however you can farm them for food.


🚧New blocks🚧

Blocks! they can be used to build new structures and other things

🎂Place able Foods🎂

Some foods can be placed down! they can also be eaten to, they can be found in the "Misc. Foods" section in the creative menu, traded with the aimless baker, or crafted.


Some blocks can also be generated randomly throughout the world



salt can be found in just about every biome. they can also be found above ground to

Salt can be smelted 

And salt can also be crafted


This addon also comes with working stoves and other production blocks,

Click a spoiler below to find info on the various production blocks!

Canola Compressor

Canola Compressor!

Put 4 canola in it and then use a glass bottle! it will give you canola oil

Sunflower Compressor

Sunflower Compressor!

Due to some weird issue with Minecraft, this compressor, uses dandelions instead if sunflowers. Similarly to canola compressor, once you fill it up, use glass bottles and it will give you Sunflower oil.

Barley Fermentor

Barley Fermenter

this one is used to make fermented barley, which can be used to make various drinks




The oven can be used to cook food! unlike furnaces and smokers, ovens use cooking oil instead of coal.


The mill

The mill is used to grind up various grains, fruits and more.



The presser is used to make juice, unlike the other custom crafting tables, pressers do not require any fuel


The brewer!

The brewer is used to make various drinks, such as soda.



Used to make various drinks such as smoothies


🛑Additional Information 🛑

Before using this addon, be sure to enable both holiday creator features and creation of custom biomes

(Note: Foods plus does not create new biomes or modify existing ones, the custom biomes toggle is just needed so custom crops and blocks can generate naturally in the world)

Other ways to get items


You can get the items by using commands, "example: /give @s foodsplus2:"

Where to find things in the creative menu

You can also type FP2 in the search bar to see all the things this addon has to offer


🍇Supported Minecraft versions🍇

List of Minecraft versions, this addon supports

1.19.40,1.19.30,1.19.2, 1.19, 1.18.30, 1.18.20, 1.18.10, 1.18


📱Links and socials📱

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How to download with linkvertise

if you choose to go with the linkvertise link, it will take you to linkvertise, from here you need to scroll down a little and click "Free access with ads", after that click discover interesting articles and wait 5 seconds to close out of the window, after that you will see a green check mark click on where it says continue to website, once you are in mediafire click the blue button on the right to get your file.

Topic starter Posted : 10/08/2022 3:08 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 23/01/2023 10:56 pm