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MCPE/Bedrock Friendly-ish Creepers

Illustrious Member Admin

Friendly-ish Creepers


This simple Behavior Pack removes the ability for Creepers to destroy blocks when they explode. Their explosions still do damage so they remain a threat to you but not to your builds. Every other aspect of their behavior remains the same so continue to watch out for them. Hissss!


This Behavior Pack add-on has one simple change from Vanilla Minecraft; Creeper Explosions will not destroy blocks. Damage and knockback of their explosions remain the same so Creepers are still dangerous.

As shown, no blocks, no matter the blast resistance will be destroyed. Items lying on the ground however, will be destroyed by the explosions.

 Even non-blocks such as flowers, Redstone, and beds will remain intact after a nearby explosion. Entities are not so lucky. All mobs, including the player, will be effected by the explosion just as much as they normally would. Damage…


…and knockback apply the same as they would normally to all entities. Other forms of mob griefing are not effected by this pack. This includes Ghasts’ fireballs and Enderman picking up blocks. 

creator: Bobbywashear


Topic starter Posted : 02/03/2021 1:14 pm