FruitsAndVegetables Add-on
Want more fruits, vegetables and tree’s in Minecraft? Then this addon now is for you, 16 new fruits and vegetables! Oranges, lemons, bananas, strawberries, tomatoes, eggplants, cabbage, radish and more!
Author: @Maradon444 | Twitter:
Artist: @HaveyRodriges_ | Twitter:
This addon will add new vegetables and fruits. You can found this in creative menu. Seeds and crops will be added soon…
Banana: 2
Bellpepper: 1
Cabbage: 1,5
Cherry: 1
Chilipepper: 1
Corn –
Eggplant: 1,5
Grape: 1,5
Kiwi: 1,5
Lemon: 1,5
Lettuce: 1,5
Orange: 2
Pineapple: 2.5
Reddish: 1
Strawberry: 1
Tomatto: 1
From Corn you can make Popcorn. Popcorn have 1 nutrition.
Trees will be added soon
**Besides, if you want to make an addon review for your youtube channel, please give me the credit**
- Updated for new 1.16 beta,
- Removed trees (will be adden again soon),
- Changed nutrition,
- Big update SOON!