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MCPE/Bedrock Game Polish [1.14 Beta Edition]

Illustrious Member Admin

Game Polish [1.14 Beta Edition]This pack is meant to be an addition to my addon Game Polish. Or you might say, an addon to an addon. This edition only has changes dedicated to betas up to version (So not much!)

This pack is solely dedicated to versions 1.13-1.14 so it is pretty small.



1. Uncraft 1 honey comb block into 4 honey combs [shapeless]

2. Uncraft 1 honey block into 4 honey bottles [shapeless]

Stack Sizes

1. Honey Bottles stack to 64

Question: How would you feel if you did not get glass bottles while crafting honey? If you did not, then you could craft stacks at a time. Leave feedback below

Loot Tables

1. Adult bees have a 75% chance of dropping 1 honey comb. Each level of looting has a 50% chance of dropping 1 more. (You can get 4 with looting 3)


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By downloading, you agree to give credit to me and to link this McBedrock page when sharing. You will NOT distribute this as your own or with your own links.

I highly recommend using Game Polish 2.0 with this.



Topic starter Posted : 21/10/2019 11:24 am