Generate and Duplicate Add-on (1.16.200+)
This is an old add-on that I decided to revamp with the new update features. The concept is simple, a machine that allows you to duplicate and generate valuable resources to your advantage. This concept isn't original but I want to create my own add-on about the subject.
- To use the blocks, you need to interact with them using blocks.
- You can turn them off to stop dropping blocks using a lever. Interact with them using a lever, they're not affected by redstone signals.
- You can obtain both the empty block and the base resource after you destroy them.
- All machines produce in about 30-60 seconds.
- There are 5 tiers for all machines, each tier will decrease the time interval:
tier 1 - 30,60
tier 2 - 25,55
tier 3 - 20,50
tier 4 - 15,45
tier 5 - 10,40

It can only generate using the following blocks:
- Cobblestone
- Obsidian
- Stone
- Basalt

It can only duplicate using the following blocks:
- Coal block
- Iron block
- Gold block
- Lapis block
- Quartz block
- Diamond block
- Emerald block
- Redstone block
- Netherite block

Added all tiers for copper block duplicators
Added all tiers for cobbled deepslate generators
This add-on is updated to the latest beta.
If you want to review/make a video about this content, at least credit me in the video/description.
Don't use your own link, use the proper link.
Make sure to turn on ALL experimental gameplay features to enjoy this add-on to the fullest.
If you wish to use this for your content, at least credit me.
Do NOT upload a direct link.
You may copy/paste this for your content as well if you wish.