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MCPE/Bedrock Gogoriki Add-On

Illustrious Member Admin

Gogoriki Add-On


Today you’ll see add-on , that add characters from my favourite russian cartoon – Gogoriki. Add-on adds 9 originaly Gogorikies, that will be spawns in your world. Let’s start review.


I wanna to watch some videos about Gogoriki in Minecraft on our favourite Russian youtube, but…. I found awful minecraft videos((

It’s awful. So I made nice Gogoriki add-on that adds cute and beauty characters.

About this add-on.

This is first version, and about some mob’s spawn I’m not sure. If you didn’t see mob spawn write me, which mob’s spawn must be fixed.


KrashSpawns everywhere in overworld. Tameable with using carrot.

ChickoSpawns in mooshroom island. Tameable with using brown mushrooms.

CarlinSpawns in jungles. Tameable with using sweet berries.

OlgaSpawns on plains. Tameable with using apples.

RosaBeauty piggy, that spawns in deserts. Tameable with using cakes.

WalleyYoung oven, that try to say Rosa about his feelings, but he scared. Also using cake for taming.

KopatuchSpawns in villages. Tameable with using honey bottle.

DokkoSpawns in taiga. Tameable with using golden apple.

PinStrongest one! Tamed one has 90 damage points , and 160 health points! Spawns in frozen ocean. Tameable with using iron ingots.


Other information.

  • All gogoriki, attack illagers, foxes(baby and adult), vexes but avoid ravager.
  • Pin only Gogoriki that can kill ravager
  • Also added baby Gogoriki

That’s all for today’s add-on. Thank you for good comments under my add-on , I hope you’ll enjoy my add-on. You’re the best ones!? Ah, and don’t try to find nice video about Gogoriki in Minecraft.





Download instruction : 

  1. Download add-on
  2. Active in game
  3. Enjoy first Gogoriki add-on ever!

creator: OrcaWorld


Topic starter Posted : 01/06/2020 11:22 am