Green Paladium Add-on!
Tired of always mining the same ore in minecraft ? Then download this add-on that will add the green paladium ! With this add-on you’ll be able to make new tools and some much !
You can find the ores in All biomes in the overworld (Between Y= 5 and 15 ) and smelt them to get ingots to craft new items !
You will be able to make green paladium blocks ! With only Paladium 9 ingots !
And also you will be able to get new tools and equipments !
And also these tools will give you effects when you have them in your hand!
Like this green Paladium Pickaxe !
give you haste 2 !
The Green Paladium Sword !
give you strenght 1.
The Green Paladium Axe !
give you haste !
You can also make Food !
This food give you special effects !
like strength to kill faster mobs, speed to walk faster and regeneration and also absorption.
Green Paladium Scrap !
In this update, I’ve added the green Paladium scrap. You can use this to upgrade your diamond tools to paladium tools…. more powerful !
If you have any suggestions, or bugs to report to me, join my discord server or send me a message on discord : KingZoLy#9207
Add the video link : how to install the add on
Enable Experimental Gameplay !
Enable the experimental gameplay to have the ore !
creator: KingZoLy