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MCPE/Bedrock Happy Villagers Addon

Illustrious Member Admin

Happy Villagers Addon

Are you dreaming the villagers comes alive in minecraft?

Are you bored hearing sound “hmmmm”, “hmmmmmmm” and “hhhhhmmmmmm”??

Introduce you “Happy Villagers addon”. This addon aims to make the vilaggers seem more like a real player.


The villagers in this addon really become a whole lot more interesting. Because the villagers seem more like a real player.

Villager Model & Skins

  • The model of the villagers has changed into like player model.

  • The texture of the villagers has changed with various skin that following their profession.

Additional Villagers

This addon will not interesting if theres no more Variant for villagers.

  • Female Villagers

Yes.. a female villagers. They are just like normal villagers with ability for farming, fishing, etc.

Heatlh ammount of female villager more less than the normal villagers.


  • Guard villager

The Villagers must be need a guard to protect their house and their life from the dangerous thing.

  • Priest villager

Priest is different with Cleric. This villager added for future update.




  • Manual Breed

Usually, the Villagers will falling in love each other automatically. In this addon you will able to breed the villagers manually by using “Diamond”/”Emerald”.

Q: But how?

A: Manual breed only for : 1 Male Villager (Except Guard) + 1 Female Villager = Then Random Gender Villager will be born.


  • Village Fast Growing

To make the Village looks realistic. Each Villagers can spawn another villager as their home mate.

Everytime the villagers spawned / everytime the villagers change their profession, another villagers with different profession / variant will spawned.

This make population in a village will increasing more fast than normal.


  • Chat bubbles

If you tired hearing the villagers ambiance sound said “hmmmm” and “hmmmmmm”. In this addon the villagers will spawn chat bubbles above their head.

  • Improvement Walk Path

In this addon, the villagers allowed to walk on various blocks like Stairs block, etc.

New Furnitures [NEW]

Lots of furniture have been added to the addon. and most of them have small feature.

  • Librarian Table

This table can be used to produced “Book & Quill” item with only using “Paper”.

  • Butchering Table

This table can be used to duplicate your meat! [ Need to fix ]

  • Villager Shop Stall

You can buy Various Item from here, including Guard Villager , Flute Villager , etc.

You can get shop stall spawner from trading with the villagers

  • Painting

Just a normal painting with various picture.

  • Grand Father Clock

A big clock that will ringing on Midnight & Morning.

  • Standing Sign

Another type of sign, with various text on it.

  • Grave Stone

The Grave stone will appear when the villager’s died.


  1. Experimental Gameplay Enabled
  2. Mob Griefing (for farmer)

- Add Lots of furnitures

- Remodeled Iron Golem

- Add nee Villagers ( Flute Villagers )

- Add Shop Stall for trading

- Add idle sound for the villagers Male / Female



  1. Download Behavior & Resources mcpack file
  2. Install them by click/tap them
  3. Minecraft will opened automatically and wait the Mcpack installed

Win 10

  1. Download Behavior & Resources mcpack file
  2. Install them by using right click and choose "open"
  3. Minecraft will opened automatically and wait the Mcpack installed



Topic starter Posted : 20/04/2020 7:55 pm