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Let the hearts of these mobs pour out into your health! Bugaga!! Thanks to this add-on, from most dangerous (and not very dangerous) mobs, a few hearts or half hearts that can heal the player will fall out.
How it works for example:

List of items:
- Half heart (h:heart_half)
- Heals 1hp with regeneration;
- Time of use: 1;
- Heart (h:heart)
- Heals 2hp with continuous use and 3hp with intermittent use;
- Usage time: 1.25.
- Zombies: from 0 to 2 halves of the heart;
- Ifrit: 0 to 1 hearts or 0 to 2 halves of a heart;
- Cave spider from 0 to 3 halves of the heart;
- Creeper: from 0 to 2 halves of the heart;
- Drowned man: from 0 to 2 halves of the heart;
- Ancient Guardian: from 2 to 3 hearts and 2 halves of a heart;
- Enderman: from 0 to 1 heart or from 0 to 3 halves of a heart;
- Ghast: from 0 to 2 hearts;
- Giant: 4 hearts;
- Guardian: from 0 to 1 hearts;
- Hoglin: from 0 to 1 halves of the heart;
- Magma cube: from 0 to 1 half heart;
- Phantom: from 0 to 2 halves of the heart;
- Pillager: from 0 to 2 halves of the heart;
- Illager beast: from 0 to 2 hearts and from 0 to 1 half heart;
- Shulker: 1 heart;
- Silverfish: from 0 to 1 halves of the heart;
- Skeleton: from 0 to 2 halves of the heart;
- Slime: 1 half heart with a 15% chance;
- Spider: from 0 to 2 halves of the heart;
- Husk: from 0 to 2 halves of the heart;
- Summoner: 0 to 2 hearts and 0 to 1 half heart;
- Witch: from 0 to 1 heart;
- Wither: 2 to 3 hearts;
- Wither Skeleton: 1 heart or 1 to 2 heart halves;
- Zoglin: from 0 to 2 halves of the heart;
- Zombified Piglin: 0 to 2 halves of the heart.
You can find all past and future versions on CurseForge! And also more of my creativity on my discord channel (only RU).
After many years of searching for a clean domain that will please people and finally turn out to be clean, without any suspicions, I found it! A clean domain!
After many years of searching for a clean domain that will please people and finally turn out to be clean, without any suspicions, I found it! A clean domain!
Topic starter Posted : 09/09/2021 9:24 am