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MCPE/Bedrock Heisei King Ghidorah in MCPE! (Add-on)

Illustrious Member Admin

Heisei King Ghidorah in MCPE! (Add-on)

Have you ever wanted to see King Ghidorah in Minecraft? The astro monster coming to destroy all it’s enemies? Well if so, this add-on is for you. It adds a powerful enemy that will probably kill you.

This add-on adds king Ghidorah in Minecraft. Also, before I say anything else, this add-on’s model is made by me, no one else. (PEOPLE IN THE COMMENT SECTION STOP SAYING I DIDN’T MAKE THE MODEL)

King Ghidorah

King Ghidorah is a genetically engineered monster combine from dorats. In my add-on, King Ghidorah has 600 health and deals 10 attack damage when he is using melee. King Ghidorah switches attacks, melee and ranged. His ranged attack is, he shoots lightning… At your face!!! Tell me in the comments section if you defeated him in survival without dying.

Health: 600

Melee attack: 10

Ranged: shoots lightning

Attacks: Player, Iron Golems

Enable Experimental Gameplay



Topic starter Posted : 16/10/2019 1:58 pm