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MCPE/Bedrock HelpFul Functions Addon V1

Illustrious Member Admin

HelpFul Functions Addon V1

Are you having trouble getting planks, torches, and so on. Well, this addon will help you, you will use function word so that you know the content of this addon, to know what is inside this addon you should go to the description so that you know the content of this addon.


There are 5 functions in this addon, and to know it you need to remember it.


When you get started, it will type in the starterpack to give you more starter player tools

Items that will be given to you in this function:

Wood (6),stick (6),wooden axe, except for map

2.housebuilderpack-Are you planning to build a house but you don't have much equipment. Well this function is complete (except for the bed)

Items that will be given to you in this function:

Planks (30),wooden door, torch (4),glass (4)


You have difficulty making a stone pickaxe, or iron, and wooden pickaxe, well this function will help you besides the pickaxe you also have a torch. 

Items that will be given to you in this function:

Torch (30),iron pickaxe (2),stone pickaxe (2),wooden pickaxe (2)


You have difficulty making a stone pickaxe, or iron, well this function will help you besides the pickaxe you also have a torch

Items that will be given to you in this function:

Smoker, furnace, blast furnace, coal (64)


Do you plan to travel but usually have no food? Well this function will help you have food on your journey.

Items that will be given to you in this function:

Bread (10),cooked beef (7),cooked porkchop (7),cake (2)

New Update V2!!! 

I added 3 new functions!! 

Chaimailset, leathersurvivorpack, furniturefunction 


Items on this function-chainmail-helmet, breastplate, leggings, boots

2.leathersurvivorpack with swords on it

Items on this function leather-helmet, breastplate, leggings, boots, wooden swords (2), leather (21)


Items on this function-bed, chest (4),barrel (2),armor stand

That's it, I think my addon helped you again, don't forget to rate my addon 😊

Turn on your experimental gameplay 

Note:Holiday Creator Features only

Note: this addon is not very epic and it is survival friendly

This account is mine (official) my first account was not logged in so I decided to just create one,don't say it's a copycat either, because this account is mine, I hope you understand

Thanks for downloading my addon 😁 



I added 3 new functions 

Chaimailset, leathersurvivorpack, furniturefunction 

I hope you enjoy my addon 😊


You will direct to my official website, scroll down, you can see 2 buttons there, tap any of them, for 1st button-you will direct to mediafire 

Topic starter Posted : 16/05/2021 5:17 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 18/05/2021 10:33 am