HelpfulFunctions Function Pack
This function pack has a great variety of different new function commands added to your Minecraft game. There are functions that are helpful with problems, so if you accidentally mess up a command or place way too many blocks by accident or something, some of these can help you. There are also troll ones, where you can mess with your friends.
Here is a list of all the functions that are added, and what they do.
/function smite: summons lightning on all players that are in survival mode
/function heal: fills your health and hunger all the way up
/function drain: gets rid of all nearby water or lava
/function day: sets the time to day
/function clearchat: clears the chat
/function launch: launches the nearest player 1000 blocks in the air
/function tpall: teleports all players to you
/function tpr: teleports you to a random player
/function arrow: shoots an arrow directly from the sky on the nearest player in survival mode
/function tnt: tnt falls from the sky and lands on the nearest player in survival mode
/function burn: puts 1 block of lava near you for 2 seconds, then goes away
/function trashinventory: gives all players except you 10,000 seaweed
/function flatterainmaker: creates a flat area of grass
/function flatterrainremover: removes a flat area of any block
/function anvil: anvil falls from the sky onto the nearest player in survival mode
/function fly: makes it so you can fly in survival mode (education edition needs to be on)
/function unfly: makes it so you can’t fly anymore
/function desert: makes a desert terrain with cacti and dead bushes
/function godmode: gives you strength, speed, fire resistance,and jump boost
/function disablegod: removes those effects
/function pvparena: creates a pvp arena
/function mutechat: no one can speak in chat
/function unmutechat: people can now speak in chat again
/function gma: sets you to adventure mode
/function gms: sets you to survival mode
/function gmc: sets you to creative mode
/function vanish: turns you invisible
/function unvanish: makes you visible again
/function removegrass: removes all tallgrass near you
/function freezeall: freezes all players except you
Those are all the functions!!
How to download:
Click the DOWNLOAD link, then click the green button that says “download”. After that, click “download” again when you see it on the bottom of your screen. Then click “open in” when it’s finished downloading, then click “copy to Minecraft”.