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MCPE/Bedrock Hero of the Village Potion Addon

Illustrious Member Admin

Hero of the Village Potion Addon

This addon adds a new type of potion called as Hero of the Village potion. As the name says, this potion will give the player hero of the village effect. This potion can be useful while trading as, this effect gives discount in the trades of the villagers.


As this is a potion we have to brew it in the brewing stand. You can craft this potion by brewing awkward potion with an emerald. Also this addon is survival friendly.

You can increase the duration of this potion by using redstone. 

Also you can increase the strength of the potion from hero of village to hero of village 2 using glow stone. 

This potion is very useful when trading, I think you should give it a try in your survival world.

Currently splash potions are not available, may be in the future addon update, I will add it as I am currently working on it.

If you guys like this addon, definitely share with your friends and if you have any ideas related to this addon, let me know in the comments below. Thankyou.!

creator: SkinnyChopples

  • Updated the link for downloading the addon.
  • Updated the description.


  • Click on the download link and follow the steps and download this addon.
  • Now double click on this addon, now the game will automatically import the addon
  • Now go to world settings then activate this addon in your behavior pack and resource pack.
  • Now enjoy the game.


Topic starter Posted : 06/07/2021 5:26 pm