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MCPE/Bedrock Herobrine Mode

Illustrious Member Admin

Herobrine Mode


Welcome to Herobrine Mode for Minecraft Pocket/Bedrock Edition! In this mode, you become Herobrine or at least get powers that Herobrine has. To begin, let's look at the many features included in this pack such as:


- 80 hearts (four rows of hearts) 

- Friend with all undead mobs

- Resist fall damage

 - 7 damage per hit

- Slightly faster

- Fire immune

- Breathe water

About Herobrine Mode

The first feature we have is that your normal 20 hearts are now replaced with 80 hearts or four rows of hearts. Herobrine is pretty powerful anyway, so why not get extra hearts? 

You move slightly faster but it’s not much of a change. Damage is also 7 per hit now so you can kill 20 heart enemy's in 3 hits. Your fists practically act like a sword.

Next up on the list is being friends with all bad mobs. Zombies, endermen, creepers, or anything that usually attacks you will not attack you. (Unless you attack them first, then they will attack you) 

Herobrine lives in the Nether right? Well either way you have the fire immune ability which would also make sense because Herobrine shouldn’t be hurt from the fire. 

The final last 2 features are that you can breathe water and now resist fall damage. If the Ender Dragon decides to launch you high up no need for water buckets anymore! No more water potions anymore either because you always can breathe water!

Other Stuff

I made a YouTube video about the addon so some things make more sense. Also, half of this addon's features were from someone's comment on my video. If you would like to see more features or more addons by me, comment on my video!

You can tweet me on Twitter if you find bugs with my addons.



  • Supported for versions 1.18.30 and 1.17.30
  • Fixed endermen attacking the player
  • Changes to the page


How to install Herobrine Mode on Minecraft Pocket/Bedrock Edition


1. Click “Herobrine Mode” in the installation.

2. Download "updatedherobrine2.mcaddon"

3. Open in Minecraft and put on the behavior packs when on world details.


Not recommended with multiplayer as it could bug/break the game, but it should still work! Remember some features of the addon may be broken too because it was originally meant for versions 1.16.

Topic starter Posted : 27/02/2021 12:37 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 26/05/2022 12:14 pm