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HIDWOODS is an addon that completely turns the Overworld in Minecraft into a whole new dimension, including custom biomes, mobs, blocks, items, and other features.

This addon is made by tomaxed44.

Hidwoods is an addon for Minecraft bedrock made by tomaxed44. This addon completely turns the overworld into a whole new dimension, including custom biomes, mobs, complex machines,  blocks, items, and other features.
In this new environment mostly, you will spawn near a landing pod and will find various different hostile and peaceful creatures scattered on different biomes.
Please note that this project was started as a test addon where I learned how to make entities behaviors, models, animations, etc, this means some of the features don’t have a real utility.


  • A completely new overworld
  • A custom generation
  • Different earth creatures and aquatic creatures
  • New blocks
  • New items
  • Structures
  • New gameplay mechanics

Custom Generation

the world generation is composed of 3 new biomes,
The world generation is composed of new biomes:
-The hidwoods forest (originally named Hidwoods), mostly composed of Cepry trees, a big tree type with blue leaves. This is the most common biome. Big sand areas are commonly found around this biome.
-The Derosa forest, composed of Derosa trees. This biome is slightly rare. 
-The Hodren lands, a biome composed of hodren grass and dried mud.
-The myrica forest, a biome usually found near plains or forests. This biome is made of mud and water. Myrica trees can be found here.
-The plains, very similar to the vanilla biome.
-The desert spikes, Composed of sand, dried mud, and terracotta. Plains made of sand and grass are often generated nearby.
Vanilla biomes are disabled.



The majority of the entities are earth creatures that can be found on the surface at day or night. 
Vanilla entities natural spawn is disabled, although they can be found on villages or mob spawners.

Here are some of them:

(old screenshots)


Phy, also called Phy the bot or Phybot is a small flying robot that can be tamed by the player using Batteries. When tamed, this small robot follows and help the player in combats.



This entity is found everywhere on the surface, be careful!


Villagers entities found in villages. They have custom trades.

Hidew plant




This mob can be tamed by the player.





The most common form of Midlin is the humanoid form seen on the picture, however, small and tiny Midlins exists. another version of the midlin is the Midorock Boss.






Those 3 aquatic entities drop fish when killed




Blocks and Items


There are more than 100 new blocks added, a lot of them are decorative.

This addon adds many new items, like food, ores, swords, and more.

Blocks and items are still experimental gameplay features and will likely change, so I won’t describe each block and items of the addon here. (for now)


There is an in-game guide available at any time describing all entities, crafts, and important gameplay features.



A big structure naturally generated. What’s inside?
The caves are full of resources an danger
Riding a Doko, it’s a big bird!
Some furnitures, and decorative blocks.
A solar panel and two battery chargers.


The addon has 3 functions used to test the content
/function god
gives you infinite regeneration and saturation
/function saturation
gives you infinite saturation
/function test
says test in the actionbar!


  • Sky made using the Custom CubeMap, made by CrisXolt (with permission)
  • Sounds made with Freesound, Audiojungle.
  • The whole behavior and resource pack has been made by myself

Hidwoods v2.3.1: The addon is out of the alpha!

This update completely transform the addon, with new biomes, entities, blocks, items, structures, and more.



This addon is made for 1.16. 

Use Experimental gameplay ON



Topic starter Posted : 11/09/2020 10:55 am