HIDWOODS is an addon that completely turns the Overworld in Minecraft into a whole new dimension, including custom biomes, mobs, blocks, items, and other features.
This addon is made by tomaxed44.

- A completely new overworld
- A custom generation
- Different earth creatures and aquatic creatures
- New blocks
- New items
Custom Generation


- Is hostile
- Gives you 2 sec of poison when attacking
- Attack range pretty short
- Have 16 Health (8 hearts)
- Drop Raw acrilon and Acrilon legs at death
Carnivorous plant

- Is hostile
- Have 20 Health (10 hearts)
- Hides hitself on the ground if you are too close, only revealing it’s red flower as a lure
- Is Peaceful
- Drop Raw kobu at death
- Can be bread with seeds, or any hidwoods meat
- Have 10 Health (5 hearts)
- Attack Rackodos

- Is Neutral
- Become hostile if you hit them
- Have 15 Health
- Is super slow
- Sometimes spawns with a baby nearby
- Drop Lica fragment at death and when using clamps

- Are Hostile
- Have 20 Health
- Commonly found underground
- At death, the souls fly away and the stones fall on the ground. Drops nothing

- Is peaceful
- Is toxic, Try to not eat them
- Have 10 Health
- Is a very solo mob doing his life.

- Are found nearby Plocytre hives
- Will hunt you in groups if you are close to them or the hive
- Are ugly, have an ugly name :c
- Drops nothing on death, however, the hive drops Cylo when using clamps or by destroying it
Snails (normal and poisonous)
Normal snail
- Are peaceful
- Drop shell at death (useless item)
- Some of them glow in the dark
Poisonous snail
- Is hostile
- Commonly found underground
- Drop shell at death (useless item)
- Glows in the dark

- Is hostile to many entities including you
- Leap at its target
- Gives slowness when attacking
- Drop leather and bones

- Basically it’s just a cow
- Drop raw Taurec at death

- Is peaceful
- Fly around in the sky
- Drop nothing
Aquatic entities:

- Those 3 aquatic entities are peaceful and drop fish when killed

- Is Hostile
- If you wear a full set of iron armor, they will become peaceful
- Drop fish
Neutral entity:
Landing Pod

- Spawn once at your location when you first join the world
- You can seat inside the landing pod
- Have a chest storage (crouch + interact)
Mud blocks and compacted mud blocks

- Mud blocks can be found at the bottom of lakes
- Compacted mud is crafted with 4 mud block
- Compacted mud can be crafted into smooth or carved compacted mud blocks
- Compacted mud can be found very commonly underground
Lica block

- Crafted with 4 lica fragments found on Licamas
- This block is great for big distances, the more distance you walk on this block, the faster you’ll travel
- If you only craft a few blocks you won’t notice any speed boost, so you need a lot of them
- Can be turned into Ehanced lica block (see below)
Ehanced Lica block
- Crafted with a Lica block and 4 cylo (found on plocytre’s hives)
- Have a better speed acceleration than the default block
Aephyr ore
- Glow in the dark
- drop coal
- Can be found underground everywhere
Saltpeter ore
- Drop saltpeter dust
- Can be crafted into gunpowder (1 saltpeter + 1 coal)
- Can be found underground everywhere
Diamond shard ore
- Drop multiple diamond shards
- Diamond shards can be combined to craft a single diamond (9 diamond shard = 1 diamond)

Custom Trees (creative only)

- Place a tree spawn egg on the ground to create a custom tree
- Be careful, most of them are huge
- the spawned tree does not keep the previous blocks so be careful of where you place them!
Tools used, credit:
- I used Blockbench (by JannisX11) for the models
- I made the textures with Gimp 2
- The whole behavior and resource pack has been made by myself
Hidwoods v1.1.2
-Added a new entity: Phy! It's a small bot that follows you and helps you in combats.
This entity can be found broken in the wilds, you need to repair it with a crafting station
-New feature: The crafting station. It's a crafting table used to "craft" items related to Phy the bot
Added a in-game guide (using the how to play menu)
Phy's skin box is also a thing, allowing you to customize the bot with 4 skins (more to come!)
-New entity: The Crisha, it's a kind of worm who drops feathers over time
-New item: the clamps, used instead of shears
-New ore: the Sapphire! Can be found at the bedrock level
-New items: Sapphire fragment, Sapphire, Sapphire block and Sapphire sword
The sapphire sword will be used for the upcoming boss
New Aephyr (block + item) are added, however they don't drop in survival yet
-Spawn rules completely rewritten
-Vanilla mobs spawns only in savana biomes
-Vanilla hostile entities spawns on deserts and savanna biomes
-Big skeletons spawns at the surface
-Cobwebs can sometimes be found underground
-Leaves spawns on caverns
-Stalagmites can sometimes be found on caves
-The jungle biome and the birch forest biome have a new generation
-The swamp biome also got a few modifications
-the clay is more common
New textures:
-Crafting table
-Jungle leaves
-cocoa beans
-Title screen
-Bamboo (renamed blueboo)
Other Fixes and features:
-The mobs now drop xp
-The saltpeter, diamond shard, and midolin were missing their text names
-The shell can be crafted into bonemeal
-The carnivorous plant drops a poppy at death
-The voliray won't stuck themselves that much (this entity isn't fully finished)
-Some loot chests will have sapphire inside them
-The midolin and snail won't spawn on the nether anymore
-Dirt generation fix
-Compacted mud generation fix
-A boss behavior prototype is available via /summon boss (he is still very basic)
-The bozord egg is deleted, this entity have a broken behavior and no models/textures
-New unfinished entity: the Doko, it's a tameable entity. The model and texture aren't finished yet.
This addon is made for 1.14.
Use Experimental gameplay ON