Hostile Blocks [Beta Release]
Want to troll your friends? Or want to fight something different? Or maybe you just want to have a certain mob for a adventure map your making. Either way, Hostile Blocks is sure to add a twist to Minecraft!
Hostile blocks is a addon that adds 4 hostile mobs to your world that look like blocks. The textures include dirt, cobblestone, planks, and concrete(white). As this is only a beta release, they do not spawn naturally in the world unfortunately, but they can be spawned by a summon command and from a spawn egg in the creative inventory.
Dirt (/summon block:dirt or find Spawn Dirt egg in creative inventory)
Drops: Dirt, and sometimes sticks, wheat seeds or other
Attack Damage: varies
Health: I think 10 I forgot lol.

Cobblestone (/summon block:cobblestone or find Spawn Cobblestone egg in creative inventory)
Drops: Cobblestone and sometimes vines, stone or coal
Attack Damage: varies
Heath: About 15
(There appears to be a glitch with the bottom, but it is fine when its on the ground.)

Planks (/summon block:planks or find Spawn Planks egg in creative inventory)
Drops: Planks and sometimes sticks, logs or leaves
Attack Damage: varies
Heath: About 15

Concrete (/summon block:concrete or find Spawn Concrete egg in creative inventory)
Drops: Concrete and sometimes sand, gravel or concrete powder
Attack Damage: varies
Heath: About 20

If you would like to use this in a map, plz link the page! Thanks!
Just download the addon, and when you open it, it will install both the behavior pack and the resource pack. Then, when adding it to the world activate both packs.