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Huey Helicopters Add-on V1
What is Huey UH 1?The Huey UH 1 is a turboshaft single-engine helicopter and has a two-bladed main and secondary rotors.and addAnd this add-on adds 2 helicopters, Huey UH 1 and black hawk.

- Here I add the Indonesian flag and the word TNI because I am from Indonesia.
- Because it's still in the first stage, this helicopter can only be climbed by 1 person.
- How to fly? It's so easy!
- Just look up to fly.
- And look down to land.
- The next update will add new features that will keep you entertained

SpiderFrostX 15
Use experimental gameplay and Don't re-edit Ok guys. Have fun
How do I install this add-on? You need an application called z archiver or es file explorer and extract the file and finally open the file
Topic starter Posted : 04/07/2021 11:50 am