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MCPE/Bedrock Hunted (Raid Spawns Every 30-60 Seconds) (1.16.100)

Illustrious Member Admin

Hunted (Raid Spawns Every 30-60 Seconds) (1.16.100)


This addon is inspired by dreams video 

Did you just watch dreams video and think I want this for bedrock so I can try it with all my friends 

Want to play normal survival but feel like your always hunted?

Want to play survival but minus the peaceful stuff?

well this addon is perfect for you  

This addon makes raids Spawn Every 30secs – 1min and add 3 new types of raids 

all raids differ from each over as some pillagers stray or group with other raids 

Amazing right? 


Welcome to hunted – Minecraft Addon 

This addon is mainly good for UHC, PVP, PvE, challenges, or just some fun with your friends   

1.16.100 support update


Raids now spawn every 30secs – 1min and add new types of raids


Spawns at night 1 then Spawns at any time 


Spawns semi often 

Spawns  1x Ravager    4x pillagers  2x vindicators  1x vex  1x pillager captain 

Has normal loot tables


Raid 1  (hard edition)

Spawns at night 1 then Spawns at any time 

Spawns rarely 

Spawns  6x pillagers   2x vindicators  1x pillager captain  1x vex  1x evocation_illager   1x ravager 

Has normal Loot tables



Raid 2

Spawns at night 1 then Spawns any time

Spawns very often 

Spawns  4x pillagers 1x vindicator  1x pillager captain 

Has normal loot tables 





What it looks like in survival and creative  (1.16.100)


Pillager villagers 

due to raids quickly overpowering the iron golem and all villagers  most villages will look like this 




Poor villagers

non-pillager villages and villagers are now rare 


Pillager outposts are now even more dangerous and harder to loot 

due to mass raids spawning, it’s really hard to get to the pillager outposts and loot it without being surrounded 




Some raids group together forming a bigger raid

these raids are very common


Some pillagers stray from there raids 

these pillagers are easy to take out because they have no backup 



Most raids look like this in survival unless grouped 



40 secs into survival

normally its 1min into survival mass raids start spawning 


2mins into survival

hard right?



4mins into survival

looks a little more peaceful 


3 small pillager raids together

most raids differ from each over as some pillagers stray or group with other raids 


The normal raid spawns like normal by being triggered with bad omen and a village 

Now villages are more dangerous because now its easier to get bad omen effect

Pillagers still attack villagers so now villages will mainly be abandoned 

Building a house is not wise because you will get surrounded by pillagers and raids really fast

it’s now easier to find undying totems but the constant raids make it hard to obtain 


Raids tend to group together to form a super raid   (very hard to beat)

let me know if I should change the pillager loot tables 

Should work with other addons such as thatmodpack or survivalplus 

Should also work with third-party addons 

As of 1.16.100 pillagers now track you into cave systems 




pillagers spawning fixed 

the first version of the addon



v1.01 (1.16.100 support update) 

Pillagers can now track you through caves systems 

fixed some bugs where raids will cause you to crash



Poll   (down in the comment section)

1. More raids

2. More types of pillagers

3. Raids spawn often 



I would love to hear your guys ideas to make this addon even better 

admin I got really nothing else to explain  the addon is kinda small 

so accepting it would be appreciated thanks 

thanks to bridge for helping me to make this addon faster 


If you want to make this addon even harder make sure you turn the difficulty up 

If you review this addon in a youtube video pls leave the original link 

this addon is exclusive to    (no reuploads without my permission) 

feel free to go through the code if your a beginner or just curious just no copying thanks 

no re-uploading this addon or saying it’s your or plagiarism in any way 

Be wary of linkvertise, linkvertise is safe and easy when done right 


added more details

support for 1.16.100

pillager villages

fixed bug where game would crash 






Topic starter Posted : 20/11/2020 1:29 pm