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MCPE/Bedrock Ice Warrior: Refrigerated (Boom and Clank Part 1)

Illustrious Member Admin

Ice Warrior: Refrigerated (Boom and Clank Part 1)


After 1 long year of inactivity, the Ice Warrior is back in action for a new update! 

This will be a total revamp of the add-on, with new models, animations, textures, and of course, a brand new Ice Warrior! As the name suggests, this add-on introduces a new boss to the game: the Ice Warrior, a difficult and icy boss, together with other mobs and features in updates to come.


Ice Warrior

As the main feature of this add-on, the Ice Warrior is a ferocious and difficult boss, with various attacks and abilities that will keep you on your feet and send chills up your spine! For now, only the first phase is finished, but more will be added soon.

(To activate the boss, right click the dormant Ice Warrior while holding Ice Warrior's Essence, or press the revive button if you're in mobile)

Phase 1
  • Ice Warrior's First Phase has 250 hearts (500 HP) and can regenerate health
  • Its normal attacks vary in damage from 15 to 22.5 hearts (30 AP - 45 AP)
  • Has multiple special abilities
Special Abilities

Sleet Sheet

  • Ice Warrior summons a series of ice spikes (deals 2-4 hearts/4-8 HP of damage and ignores armor) in either a straight line or a circular pattern
  • Ice spikes cannot be blocked, so watch out and dodge!

Call of the Conqueror

  • Ice Warrior occasionally summons 2 Ice Monstrosities to aid him in battle.

Frozen Whirlwind

  • Ice Warrior spins 3 times, dealing 10 to 13 hearts (20 AP - 26 AP) each spin and deals a lot of knockback. 
  • This attack leaves Ice Warrior stunned for a few seconds, make sure to use this time to heal or deal extra damage!
  • Is blockable

Raging Rush

  • Ice Warrior charges at the opponent and deals great damage (22.5 hearts/45 AP) and knockback
  • This ability will activate if the opponent is too far away.
  • Is blockable

Icicle Crash

  • Ice Warrior leaps and crashes down on the player, dealing damage (9 hearts/ 18 AP) and stuns the player for a few seconds
  • Is blockable
Passive Abilities

Cold Feet

  • Randomly summons ice spikes in his vicinity.

Mirror Coat

  • Hitting Ice Warrior deals knockback to the attacker

Frigid Touch

  • Direct contact with Ice Warrior causes Weakness I

Pulverizer's Panic

  • Once below 30% health, he gains a permanent 40% speed increase, and a 20% damage increase


Renor the Icescourge

The second boss of this add-on, Renor the Icescourge is a destructive force of nature, wielding his two cataclysm blades and explosive fire magic to decimate his enemies and reducing them to mere ash scattered in the wind.

Phase 1
  • Renor the Icescourge's first phase has 750 health points (375 hearts)
  • His normal attacks vary in damage from 8.5 to 11.5 hearts (17 AP - 23 AP)
  • Has multiple special abilities
  • (Warning: Using the /tp command or relogging will cause the boss' code to break, instead, use the Teleport Renor spawn egg to teleport him or in the case of relogging, just kill him and spawn a brand new one)
Special Abilities

Cross/Crescent Dash

  • Renor charges up an explosion behind him, launching him forwards (18 blocks) at great speeds and damages mobs caught in his path.
  • Deals around 6.5 - 15 hearts (13 AP - 30 AP) and may stack up
  • Cannot be blocked!

Aurora Slash

  • A technique involving Renor spinning twice, dealing huge knockback and around 9.5 - 11.5 hearts (19 AP - 23 AP) for each hit.
  • Is blockable.

Volare Via

  • Renor infuses his cataclysm blade with condensed fire magic before charging at his target and blowing them up, dealing great knockback and damage (12.5 hearts/25 AP).
  • Is blockable.

Ignis Battlecry

  • Renor buffs himself with Resistance III and Regeneration III for 7 seconds and also has the chance to summon 1 - 2 revenants to aid him in battle.
  • The battlecry also deals 5 damage and applies Slowness I to nearby mobs.
  • Is blockable .


  • Renor charges up his cataclysm blade before smashing the ground twice and sending forth two line of explosions.
  • Deals around 13.5 hearts (27 AP) and may stack up
  • Is blockable, although very difficult to fully block.

Pillars of Hell

  • With both of his blades infused with explosive fire magic, he embeds his blades into the ground before releasing two lines of pillar explosions simultaneously.
  • The Pillars deal around 14 - 33 hearts (28 AP - 66 AP) and will stack up, making blocking or dodging the attack vital.
  • Is blockable.
Passive Abilities

Cluster Beam

  • Randomly summons cluster bombs within a 64 block radius
  • The cluster bombs deals 12.5 hearts (25 AP), with the smaller explosions following it dealing an additional 6 hearts (12 AP)

Quick Step

  • Renor has a chance to dodge side-to-side, especially when at range.
Ice Monstrosity
  • These little fellas may look unassuming, but their strength is in numbers. 
  • Ice Monstrosities have 8 hearts of health (16 HP) and deal 4 hearts of damage (8 AP, as much as a Netherite Sword)
Blizzard Shaman
  • The buffer has been getting quite mischievous lately, he seems to have found a new love of pranks too. His magic seems to make him more deranged, but we can’t know for sure. Shamans are masters of magic, they can summon spells (or monstrosities) to cause some chaos. Despite his naughty demeanor, he clearly cares for his squadron as he often buffs them with his magic.
  • Blizzard Shamans have 20 hearts of health (40 HP)
  • Blizzard Shamans occasionally summon Ice Monstrosities, Ice Spikes, and cast Ice Crystals that deal 7 hearts of damage (14 AP)
  • Blizzard Shamans buffs include: Speed I, Resistance II, Absorption IV, and Strength I
Silver Hawk
  • The Silver Hawk has always lived in the shadows of the knight due to them having the same outfit. He decided enough is enough. He got some new gear, and was determined to… live in the shadows? Now with camo gear and a new stronger crossbow, when he hits his mark, it will be devastating.
  • Silver Hawks have 30 hearts of health (60 HP) and deal 9-12 hearts of damage (18-24 AP)
Eslyvian Paladin
  • The original Eslyvian Knight is back from his vacation, and he’s changed since you’ve last seen him. He’s gotten promoted to an elite role along with Buffer and Archer. Boasting high health, and shiny new gear, he’s improved at fighting. He runs to the frontlines and takes all the hits for his team, he sure is a prime example to his underlings (which will be added soon).
  • Eslyvian Paladins have 50 hearts of health (100 HP) and deal 7-9 hearts of damage (14-18 AP)
  • Eslyvian Paladins occasionally does a Shield Bash attack that deals 5 hearts of damage (10 AP)
Eslyvian Squadron
  • The Eslyvian Squadron is made up of the most elite soldiers in Eslyvia. With the combined forces of the Blizzard Shaman's arcane prowess, the dual Silver Hawks's long-range devastation, and the Eslyvian Paladin's sword and shield, they form a formidable unit, blending their unique skills to conquer the mightiest of foes, including the Wither boss!
  • Spawns a Blizzard Shaman, two Silver Hawks, and one Eslyvian Paladin
  • The revenants are remnants of the old servants of Ignis, the ancient fire born from Saintess Sveradonna as an element. Burning with undying desire and devotion, they rise once more to fight for the Icescourge.
  • Revenants only have 1 heart of health (2 HP), but deal 4 - 8.5 hearts of damage (8-17 AP)

Frostbite (Currently Removed)

  • Deals 12 hearts of damage (25 AP)
  • Right-clicking activates a special move that knocks enemies back and deal some damage (9 hearts/18 AP)

Ice Warrior's Essence

  • Is required in order to activate the Ice Warrior.
  • Can be ingested, doing so will give Regeneration II, Strength I, Resistance II, Speed II and Fire Resistance.

The add-on is now in active development, and more content will be added soon!





Turn on all of the experimental gameplay features to be safe!

P.S. Use the recommended gear spawn egg when fighting the bosses for the intended experience

creator: Gire34

Topic starter Posted : 26/09/2019 5:13 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 27/09/2023 7:26 pm