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MCPE/Bedrock If You Touch The Block, Die

Illustrious Member Admin

If You Touch The Block, Die


Do you want to play Minecraft with a real challenge? All right, try to don't walk upon natural generated blocks! In If you touch the block, die! you can choose one of more than 20 different modes and select what block do you want that kill you when you stand upon it.

On this Add-on you'll have to survive without walking or standing upon the prohibited block or blocks (you can change the prohibited block or blocks on the configuration menu of the behavior pack). If you activate, for example, the grass mode, you can to walk, stand or fall upon any block, except for the grass blocks, in case that you stand upon a grass block, you'll die.

Also, the detection for when you stand upon the prohibited block or blocks is very accurate, so, the blocks that has more than 1 pixel of collision with entities can save you of die, some examples are the slabs, carpets or moss carpets.


You can select the mode that you like on the configuration menu of the behavior pack. You can choose one of the 21 modes avaible, modes that activate as prohibited blocks, from "all blocks" (all the individual blocks included on the add-on), to an specific block, for example, "grass".

Spawn point:


To prevent you from being locked in a death loop, when you die, a base of wooden planks is created at coordinates X0, Y125, Z0, and create and active area from Z-16 and X-16 to Z15 and X15 that will be active and loaded all time, and also, set the spawn point of the world at X0, Y126, Z0. This because in any mode the wooden planks doesn't kill you.


If you want to use the addon for public purposes, please put the add-on link on the official website, don't create your own download links.


  • Added new modes: Mud and Basalt.
  • Now is added the Mud, basalt and deepslate on their categories, like all blocks or overworld.
Topic starter Posted : 10/12/2021 4:11 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 22/06/2022 8:53 pm