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MCPE/Bedrock Infinity Gauntlet - Addon

Illustrious Member Admin

Infinity Gauntlet - Addon

Gotta catch e... wait a minute wrong franchise! Well kind of sort of, Thanos still has to “catch all” the Infinity Stones before he can use them. In this Addon, Infinity Stone fragments generate underground and can be crafted into Infinity Stones you can equip and use with the infinity gauntlet!


This was made as both a Datapack and an Addon, this post will be talking about the Addon version of it. Here is a video that goes into more detail: 

The addon portion starts at about 4 minutes in,

The Infinity Gauntlet is crafted but the Stones are found. They generate underground as ores you can mine for “Infinity Stone Shards” that can be crafted into Infinity Stones.

As you can see here the Infinity "Fragment" ores spawn pretty low underground at around Y level 9,

Fragments can be crafted into Infinity Stones! Collect all 6 for the full set of abilities.

The Infinity Gauntlet doesn’t need to be equipped. Simply select it in your hotbar and it will display on the left.

Right click the Stones to add each one to the Gauntlet one by one.

To actually use the Gauntlet there are a few triggers. Sprint to switch between “Stone Mode” and “Power Mode”. While in “Stone Mode” hold sneak to swap between each Infinity Stone in the Gauntlet. “Power Mode” works the same but let’s you swap through abilities for example, if you see select the Space Stone in “Stone Mode”, you can switch between teleport, lift, etc, in “Power Mode”. 

As you can see in the image above, the Purple Infinity Stone was added, so when you try to "shuffle" through each stone, anything that is not purple is greyed out,

Here is another picture for comparison, each stone has different colored text.

Abilities are activated on right click.

You can get all the items in the creative menu but there are some functions as well if you want a quick shortcut!



Added a few more images to the main text description as well as a few more lines of explanation.


Works on the latest version of Bedrock Edition.

In order for things to work properly, enable the Custom Biomes and Education Edition sliders. This is to allow for Custom Ore generation (infinity stone shards) and the flight ability for the Space Stone ability.

Topic starter Posted : 03/11/2021 10:03 am