InSaRe's Warfare Addon v4 Pre-release
Hello everyone, it's me again InSaRe, I made a very large large add-on for 3d weapons for your minecraft, I hope that you will like it a lot, because I have been working on it for a long time.
What is InSaRe's Warfare?
This is an addon created by a simple schoolboy who once wanted to learn how to create cool addons. The idea of this addon was inspired by Activision games, and the mod for Minecraft Java - Vic's Modern Warfare.
Why should you choose this addon?
- This is one of the biggest, if not the biggest addon that adds 3d weapons.
- The addon receives global changes and updates.
- The author tries to listen to the community about adding different weapons.
- Updates don't come out often, but updates affect a lot of things.
- If some errors are not corrected in time, then the author releases a correction in a full update.
- This addon combines many packs with weapons, as well as different types of these weapons.
- There is tactical sprint like Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2019.
- There is a good balance in the addon, which does not give a special advantage when choosing another weapon.
- Do you want to see the correct animations from the first person, then this is in the addon.
- Each weapon has a pleasant recoil.
- Each weapon has its own animations, both from the first and third person.
- You can get absolutely all items both in creative and by buying them from villagers and trade tables in survival.
- Weapons from my other projects are being added and will be added to this addon, starting with the Project [Company] map.
- This addon is not clogged and will not be clogged with unnecessary things that are not needed.
- This addon has good quality models.
Before starting the review, I must tell you that all weapons have running and aiming animations, and running animation works on such a principle that after some time the usual running animation changes to tactical sprint animation, as in call of duty modern warfare. Also, the addon is divided into 5 packs: grenade pack, WW2 pack, Project [Company] pack, modern warfare pack.
How to reload guns? Put mag in left hand.
This addon has commands for disabling and displaying nicknames in the game: /function disable_nametags and /function show_nametags.
Grenade Pack:
Lethal grenade

Flash grenade

HE grenade

To craft a smoke grenade of the color you need, you need to combine a smoke grenade and a dye of the color you need on the crafting table.
Smoke grenade black

Smoke grenade blue

Smoke grenade brown

Smoke grenade cyan

Smoke grenade green

Smoke grenade grey

Smoke grenade light-blue

Smoke grenade light-grey

Smoke grenade lime

Smoke grenade magenta

Smoke grenade orange

Smoke grenade pink

Smoke grenade white

Smoke grenade red

Smoke grenade purple

Smoke grenade yellow

WW2 pack

Mauser C96







M1 Garand


Many people know my Project [Company] card, which I recently released and many asked that I lay out all the weapons separately, as an addon, well, here it is:







Shadow group armor from Project [Company] map:

And finally, the biggest pack - Modern warfare pack:

Kali sticks









As Val

Benelli m3


Honey Badger







Scar L




M82 Barrett

Sig Mcx

Mossberg 500





Russian army armor

USA army armor


Now you can buy guns and ammo from villagers and trade tables:
Cleric - ammo
Weapon smith - guns

Attention, I do not allow anyone to upload this add-on to other sites. I post this addon just on this site!
What's new:
✅1. Added Panzerfaust and ACR.
✅2. Removed M4A1 weapon.
✅3. Modified DWL-10, L96A1, Intervention shoot animations.
✅4. The animations of Mossberg 500 and Spas12 have been slightly changed.
✅5. The minimum version for the game with the addon has been raised to 1.18 and higher.
✅6. Fixed a bug with incorrect screen redness position when health is low on some devices.
✅7. Improved timings of M24 bolt sounds.
✅8. Slightly increased and improved weapon damage.
✅9. Changed animations and reload sounds for Benelli M3, Mossberg 500 and Spas12.
✅10. Changed the AK12 model and animations for it.
✅11. Extra lines of code have been removed.
✅12. The visual impact of AKM, AK12, AKS74U and MP5k has been reduced.
✅13. Binoculars and night vision goggles have been added.
✅14. Smoke grenades of all colors have been added, to create which you need to combine a smoke grenade with the dye of the desired color on the workbench.
✅15. HE grenade now explodes blocks.
✅16. The animation of smoke grenades from the first person has been improved in order to visually distinguish them from each other.
✅17. Modified armor models.
✅18. Increased the radius of blinding flash grenades from 4 to 7.
✅19. Increased the radius of playing the sounds of grenades from 15 to 20.
✅20. Redesigned sprint animations of all pistols from the 1st person.
✅21. Increased the size of the Mauser C96 from the 1st person.
✅22. Added a lethal grenade, it works the same way as the HE grenade, but does not explode blocks.
✅23. The animations of the 1st person's hands are completely redesigned.
✅24. The group in the model of each weapon is renamed and has the name of this weapon.
✅25. The reload code has been redesigned.
✅26. Various bugs of the previous version have been fixed.
✅27. Removed the camera's custom bobbing from the 1st person.
✅28. Fixed reload animations for shotguns.
✅29. Added bullet optimization
✅30. Added commands for hiding and displaying nicknames: /function disable_nametags and /function show_nametags.
How to install the mod and import it to Minecraft?
Step 1:
Install the addon from this server
Step 2:
Then go to your file manager app
Step 3:
Tap / click the Addon you installed and it will automatically imported to your MCPE. Make sure access the Addon file first, next tap and hold a file, when its selected, theres alot of tools would appear a i would recommend you to use "Cut tool", then go to Android > data > com.mojang.minecraftpe > files > games > com.mojang and select a file, also theres two files in the addon: The behavior pack file and the resources pack file, when you select a behaviour pack file, make sure to go to "Behavior_packs" on "com.mojang" file, and also when you select a resources pack file, then go to "resources_packs" and tap the "move" button to place a file to a file that you want to move.)